Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tamil Protest Angers Viewers

I can understand Torontonians or Canadians are up set and fed up of the continuing protests but i cant help but notice some of the ridiculous and ignorant things they would say one said:

"These people have a right to protest at least once a week. But have they looked at the results? They are inciting more racism in Canada and all over the world. That march on Sunday made a lot of people angry and upset and these days, people have very long memories ... Maybe we should all be marching and protesting. Think what Toronto will become!!!"
Margaret M.

How are they INCITING more racism,she sounds like a bigot just for saying that.There was another idiot that is clueless this one stated:

"Although everyone understands the overwhelming feeling of helplessness in relation to the genocide in Sri Lanka, displaying Tamil Tiger flags and inconveniencing fellow Canadians is not the way. Canada cannot support terrorist organizations. By allowing this to continue we open the door to other similar organizations such as Al-Queida.

How will the Canadian government react to other terrorist organizations in need of expressing themselves in a similar fashion? Who is going to foot the police bill? ENOUGH ALREADY!!"
Harriet N.

When was protesting and waving Tamil flag terrorist,if it is the offenders committing genocide the there would be a line going thru the flag,do you really thing the protest is for the genocide buy yourself a clue lady.I guess if there was genocide on a European country that the majority of the country has ties to then I'm sure the majority of Canadians wouldn't say this:

"Enough already!!!!

Tamils we heard you ....but [with] your public disobedience and disrespect for the Canadian way of life, you have lost my support.
Karen M.

I guess she is happy with genocide,heck.. its not her people so who cares,shat a bitch.I have to quote these people cause some are overly dramatic,people who are drama queens sounds overprivilaged.I understand the tax paying complaints but this is kinda funny:

"As a taxpayer I would like to know why this unprecedented wilful blindness to the disruption caused in the City of Toronto by the Tamil community. This is costing me, the taxpayer, a fortune in all sorts of police/emergency services not to mention clean-up services. Why is this community being allowed to hold this city hostage for something that has absolutely nothing to do with this city?"
Christine Pawinski

"I was on their side until they started holding this city, this country, my home and country [hostage] ... All I have to say is, shame, shame, shame.
Mary Lou

Last But not least this last one sounds fair.

"It was wrong of the protesters to block the Gardiner and endanger the lives of many including their own but clearly they are desperate for international help especially from a great nation like Canada...

If Canada can send troops to Afghanistan why can't they help Sri Lanka? It's sad that the only way these protesters got Queen's Park's attention is by running on the streets of Toronto and blocking traffic."
Suneil S.

My question is how is this Sri Lankan community taking the whole damn country hostage i wonder if these guys know what that means.These women must be on their peroid.Put yourselves in their shoes.Lets not loose sight on who to really be mad at, the canadian govt.

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