Sunday, December 12, 2010

Obama May Not Be Re-Elected

Alot of people believe what they see and hear in the media but dont know the details,the news outlets never tell the whole story,Media outlets are bashing him because of this tax deal,but dont know whats in the package,this is an interesting read.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Glenn Beck Sara Palin Rally

Beck has some nerve,and that douche Palin don't refect the same values and morals that Martin Luther King stood for and fought for.This rally wasnt about civil rights or equality,they do have the right to free speech,like those crazy crackers who have rallies at grownd zero who oppose a building of an islamic centre,but what really pissess me off is that the tea party was at the Lincoln Memorial how ironic is that?! When martin was there there was alot of black people for a certain cause like equality and rights,not its a bunch of white people and their message is getting back to god and restoring honor, Beck said "United States has "wandered in darkness" for too long and now is the time to "concentrate on the good things in America" These two rallies are different like night and day black and white. [yes the pun was intended]Race still truely mean everything,racism will never die its just as american as apple pie.Canada isn't much different either they cant tell who their enemies are as far as immigration is in America mexicans are taking jobs away and want them all deported and its now legal to shake them all down,arabs and muslims are being targeted they are also being labeled as terrorrists. In canada Tamil SriLankans and arabs and even some indians are labeled terrorists. Both countries are douche bags,canada is just the lesser of two evils in that respect.Martin Luther King is rolling over in his grave!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Obama endorses mosque near Ground Zero!

When Obamas terms in the USA are over tell him to run for priminister of Canada,this is refreshing when a leader isnt as ignorant as his country.If you hate muslims then this story isnt for ignorant pricks,there are also white people in canada who hates the thought of mosques in Canada because ignorant people think its a breeding ground for terrorists,when white man tries to spread the gospel of christianity/catholic and whatever denomination are they consitered terrorrists? When they also have a history of intolerance violence slavery etc. People need to use their brains and stop always believing what they hear.

Immigrant,refugee paranoia

I have to laugh,North america has made some enemies over the years,especially the United States,the amount of paranoid people and especially brainwashed blacks,believe these people are possible criminals and terrorists,i know noone can immagine the shoe on the other foot,some are halfass apothetic,saying treat them and send them back to apply llegally,not nowing that many refugees dont have the means to do so,put they cant even comprehend that,im happy to see some do but not nearly enough.Alot of people are worried about more ships comming to canadian docks,im sure they want to change the laws and rules to prevent this from happening. You figure that other immigrants would understand but they were better off than other immigrants and refugees comming in and it shows.

"It took fifteen years for my family to finally be allowed to immigrate to Canada through official channels. I wish we had known all we had to do was hop on a ship to avoid the bureaucracy! Allowing the Tamil migrants to stay is an insult to due process and a mockery of Canada's reknowned generousity"

Theres is so much more ignorant things people say but you can check out the link,yes its rough in north america now but thats rough by our standards we can never truly comprehend refugees and what their standards of living are. north america will be alright, but those who want to turn them away i hope they wont be in the position to do so,karma will get them.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Canadian Navy Intercepts Tamil Migrant Ship: Toews

Alot of things really bothered me about this article, this really tells me that canadians are just as bad or even worse then USA when it comes to immigration for refugees,here are some comments from Public Safety Minister Vic Toews,and obviously to me and many of ignorant white canadians who dont understand why people who want to flea their war torn poverty sticken countries to come to north america.

Public Safety Minister Vic Toews labelled some of the 490 passengers on the ship "human smugglers and terrorists," although he didn’t elaborate. He used the ship's arrival to promise swift action from Ottawa.

"Human smuggling, illegal migration or any other abuses of Canada’s immigration system can not and will not be tolerated," he said in a statement issued early Friday.

Toews called the arrival an "unacceptable abuse of international law and Canadian generosity," adding Canadian officials "will look at all available options to strengthen our laws" to address the matter.

He earlier said "human smugglers and human traffickers are now watching Canada's response to judge whether or not they can continue to take advantage of us."

Toews said the government will be sending a message "loud and clear" that human smugglers will be prosecuted, though he provided no details.
Im sure he assumes if your tamil from sri lanka then you may be a tamil tiger,they must forgot that the tamil tigers lost the civil was in sri lamka. But what about imigrants from other countries will canada have her thong in a knot everytime foreign refugees come to canadian soil? What really pissed me off is when reader from news sources wanted canada to turn them back,i always knew that there were hardcore racists on the west coast,but wanting to turn refugees away,they must not have a soul i have Toews and the people who think like him.I also read that alot of reader turn this into a political arguement,if its about policy fine but this should be looked at a more humanitarian view,people who migrated here via plane or a more civilized fashion good for you,your country wasnt as bad as Hati shrilanka or other real BANGED UP country,i dont remember hearing a big "hoopla" when hations and cubans come to america via boat on a consistant basis,everyone has to remember no matter how bad they had it some one or some people have it worse,most canadians bitch cause they dont like terrorrists,but they couldnt tell terrorists from muslims [kinda like every black person looks alike] and in this case tamil tigers,not all tamil sri lankans are apart of that defeated tamil tigers. The whole additude canadians have towards immigrants are disqusting,dont be mad at them be mad at out canadian government.

Monday, August 2, 2010

First Sean Bail, Now Oscar Grant

Fuck da police,it was murder,i never heard of "involentary" manslaughter,the whole thing was caught on tape and posted on you tube,the U.S justice syatem is full of shit!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Truth in Jamaica

The media doesnt tell you that this "alleged" kingpin wasnt charged,the sad thing is that this is an excuse for the police to "clear house" in the Jamaican Ghettos almost like an ethnic clensing,but killing innocent people cant kill poverty,violence is a prouct of poverty.Jamaica is one if not the most dangerous and violent countries in the world.These disgruntles cople see this and a excute to execute the youths in these ghettos,its funny how the corrupt from the top is trying to clean the corrupt streets,its hard to kill a monster after you created it.I hear really offensive and insensitive things that people comment,but they dont know the whole story,and the american media always never paints a clear picture,the world calls this man a criminal the communities in the ghettos call him a hero,he builds schools hospitals feeds and sends kids to school,because when your in the ghetto in jamaica you cant afford to live the way a human being should live,kids cant go to school,they are hungry cant afford healthcare,also there is no welfare system,thats why its so bad,but its starts with the corrupt govt.Many posters on these news sites sound priveliged,i can tell they never had to struggle like the poor in jamaica,when you have no resourses you have to do wrong in order to do right,it seems like no one can truly profit from pain unless your the government.I bet the situation wouldnt be nothing like this if Coke was white.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Drill Baby Drill - Oops!

North America dependent on oil for to long,upgrade already,but face it oil companies and relating industries rely on it so i cant hate, but what about this new green energy i hear the talk i even see some turbines but solar power was around for along time why not use it already,even battery operated cars,all that aside it really pissess me of to hear that idiots day in the media that this is obamas katrina,please dont compare my people to wildlife. Thats quite a far reach for rebublicans but thats expected from racist bigots.

No Airtime for Mosque Bombing in Florida

Do you see the discrimination here,the failed bomb attempt in Times Square New York sees endless airtime in the main stream media, but the Mosque bombing doesnt? Wow american Media truely care less about americans that are not white and in this case are Middle eastern.Try to blow up Times Square alert the country,but actually a pipe bomb explosion in a Mosque its not news? America is pure Bullshit.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Plane Crash in Austin Joseph Stack not a Terrorist?

I hope people see what i see,If your white and american you are not a terrorrist,what a load of bull,i guess hes no different that the underwear/shoe bomber, Timothy Mcveigh,James Von Brunn etc.I hope people are paying attention dont let the media set these double standards cant havit both ways,the truth is the news media are all sellouts.

Team Quebec In the Olympics?,219873

I cant wait for the supporters of the Quebecois to deminish,Quebec is canada,its funny how they dump on their own country and compare themselves to Puerto Rico and Hong Kong,but none of those places are connected to their main lands,they are territories owned by USA and China.For those who dont know who these Quebecois supporters are they are french speaking people in Quebec who hate english speaking people and wand Quebec to be its own country.Almost like languistic racists i should call it languism.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Haitian looters are Thugs?

I noticed that news media always look for violence in black countries,even if its justified,look at the philipinnes no one was looking into the violent affects the hurricanes and earthquakes had on that country or any country thet suffered natural disaster that can ruin their economy,even though it wasnt strong in the first place.People need to understand in poor contries like hati there will be looting especialy if everything was destroyed like hospitals residential buildings various grocery stores and markets,what would you do id everything was destroyed and nothing to live on and cant provide for your family? I hate when the media is misinformed by their bigotry and ignorance.

Monday, January 18, 2010

General Larry Platt's "Pants On The Ground"

Its been a minute since i last blogged but this pants on the ground demanded me to respond,i seen alot of nuckle heads respond to Pratts audition,even though it was a sorry and sad performance it had a profound message that many agree with,i also agree with it for the most part,first of all as a young man of caribbean decent,i have too seen alot of peers in my high school days sagging their pants,i never seen those exposing their assess just their draws which is just as sad. I have no strong feelings with brothas wearing gold in their mouth,but the whole sagging baggy pants came from slavery or prision is rediculous,i tried sagging cause pants were to tight or in those days and even buying pants in tour size will be uncomfortable especially in the crotch,but i never sagged to the point where i show of my underwear,then the baggy fit pants came out i didnt need to sagg,i think its more of a hip hop thing,it will fade out later other than sooner.You best believe afican americans wont wear the tight fitting pants,face it its a gay look and not masculine.Face it most of the people that have an issue with this are older white people,older black people too but not as much.Its not just the sagging pants its also the mindset behind the fashion.When black men get older hey will stop sagging so relax older people saggers will grow up eventually,but the baggy jeans will never go away. So to the tigh jeans wearing crown who want us to join their band waggon go F**k yourselves. By the way to those people who are hating on mary dont know her music and yes she is a hip hop r&b legend pay attention,if you are a music lover and like her genre of music then i sont need to say any more.