Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Same crap different toilet

The new coming prime minister uses the term terrorist to loosely like most of the western world,its funny how they preach about peace in Palestine,and want Palestinians to fight terror,that's is the most two-faced bullshit i have heard in a while.Theres no terrorists in Palestine the terrorists are the ones attacking and occupying Palestine,nothing will change as far as peace,even till this very day Israel military is still taking land from the vastly populated Palestinians.The firecracker missiles is a weak attempt to justify further curler oppression death and destruction.This terrorist crap is a word they use as an excuse/cover up for what they are really doing,their plan is ethnic cleansing its their religious belief they the land was meant for them,its sad how religion can warp the minds of people,alot of people miss interpreted,misunderstand and take to literal with the messages of their proficy same goes for any religion in general. These ignorant colts are responsible for many mistreatment of our fellow man,like racism slavery and derogatory treatment of homosexuals.Humans had primitive thinking over the centuries we are more civil now,well some of us.

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