This was written in 07,I'm late but,alot of People feel this way,Pat McCoy said theres 60% of gang members are blacks in Charlotte that are gang members im not able to argue that it is what it is,also he stated that "too many of our youth, primarily African American, are imitating and/or participating in a gangster type of dress, attitude, behavior and action". Now he says black youths in "CHARLOTTE" are also behaving dressing action and attitude,but,i know he is talking about blacks in general,but as a black man i don't resent his stats,i resent that stereotype, some white people look at my baggy clothes, [ i don't sag my pants but baggy anyways]the way i walk, [i don't walk like i have a stick up my ass all up tight]i don't have a bad attitude,i respect others who respect me, I'm a young man,I'm not a child i have no behavior problem,and i don't act like a gangster.
First of all a lot of white people need to remember the original gangsters worn suits,alot of American politicians look like gangsters/mobsters to me,but I'm not that stupid,you cant say hip hop culture is the same being a gangster. the clothes and fashion,the kango hat isn't gangsta the jewelry isn't gangsta,the shell toe Adidas sneakers isn't gangsta,long white t-shirt and the fitted hat isn't also,the thing is if you ARE a gangster then you ARE a gangster.It doesn't matter what your wearing from the suit and tie to the baggy jeans,calling out out swagger/style as gangsta is racist,sorry that's the truth,i can name a bunch of gangstas in the bush administration,but that doesn't mean that every one that has a suit and tie and lies and acts pompous is a gangster. Alot of blacks hate hip hop cause its more of a lack of talented rappers,current rappers arnt really saying anything most cant give you a decent 16 bars,but i digress,there is conscious rap gangster rap other lyrical content from sex to club music,but the gangster rap sells mostly the white youths,to me rap is like wrestling,its all fake and i listen to the older rap,remember art imitates life,and the clothes swagger is a black thing,so when i walk down the street don't assume I'm a gangster,i dint live in a ghetto,that's just one demographic in the black population,your racist tendencies will always give us a hard time like inequality,cant get a job,so we do dirt/crime,we cant sell drugs etc cause the government is the only one that's supposed to make money off drugs,get locked up for weed but in ghettos theres a liquor store in every corner in every ghetto. Alcohol does more damage than weed,more jails than schools,to be a product of such an enviorment is so sad,i hope they know family members that can get them out.There are 13 percent blacks in the population of the USA, why is there damn near 50% in prison,i bet if every black man in the states gets locked up they will ship them off overseas.Racist white people disgust me.
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