I am neutral in the debate in the existence i thought it was a good idea,alot of people took it the wrong way,i can tell that people didn't get all the details. What alot of people don't know that this is not a "BLACKS-ONLY" school,this is an Afrocentric school,there is a HUGE difference,the academics will be the same,but there will be more teachings of other cultures other than Europe,there are 3 schools in the Toronto district that will have multicultural studies. I see alot of debates,and the people that are in these debates are racist,this is not segregation because no student will be turned away cause of their ethnicity,the school will be multicultural.I do understand if the all-black staff rubs people the wrong way,but that is the tactic strategy to help the black students do better,agree with that or not,whether it will work remains to be seen,i doubt if the school will receive funding before this fall.As far as the all-black staff,i can see why they did that because i went to numerous schools in Scarborough,one in Pickering,Brampton and high school in the states,i do believe the black students will get better support and understanding. The teachers i have met over the years were decent but there were a few that had a negative or bigot attitude towards me,other than that,i had struggles with my school enviorment,i had problems at home as well as with some of my peers,like many high school was a rough period for me,but after seeing the drop out rate we gotta try something.One friend was for it the other wasn't,every one is quick to call each other racist,but if you think this Afrocentric school is a blacks only school,then your a racist,if you think this school is a form of segregation you are a racist,find out everything about an issue before you make judgement.The arguement should be about the all black staff,that i would understand people arguing about,but dont get it twisted Canada is just as racist as the states,and just as segregated,Toronto is a multicultural place,but the ethnicity's are still in groups,some parts are a mix bag,but there is patches of people of the same ethnicity and culture like little Italy china town,and a big Asian community around steels and area.Every one feels more comfortable around their own kind,they relate and understand their own people.Sad but true,kinda like water and oil we cant really mix.
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