Monday, August 3, 2009

City garbage stike is over but the stench remains

I understand striking for a raises and job security but that's all i can agree with, the other things these guys are striking for i don't its unnecessary and greedy,I'm sure they get their retirement plans or packages that they have with the city or through their company.What makes these strikers greedy and selfish [as far as making the city do with out one of their essential services,stink and wasting residents time with these temporary dumps also other domino effects with jobs and businesses]is that they want perks that's all they were striking all this time for pure perks! The city can give them a fair raise and job security but the banking sick days was a stretch,no other company does this,i understand why unions are frown upon,these guys take it so far they should be happy they still have their jobs,i resent both unions 719 and 416. We would all like perks from our jobs or careers,but you got to be fair and reasonable.

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