Monday, February 23, 2009

The Recurring TTC Violence

Another violent outburst in my cities biggest public transit,and also the biggest public transit system in the country. This was driving motivation for me to get a car,not the violence but it wasn't recurring frequently in my bus riding days,but the passengers was more the hostile, miserable likely due to work or personal issues and the constant ram pack buses that i dread about public transportation.Even though times are getting harder i wouldn't be surprised if passengers start thinking of different routes or a whole different method of transportation. What i don't understand about these attacks is that their in daylight and in crowded buses trains and hubs,these guys are quick to react or even oblivious to the circumstances which i don't understand,there are witnesses and cameras. I don't case what these guys are beefing about,i always said people should pick their spots when they want to settle a dispute,obviously they don't care who gets hurt in a crossfire. These are the most idiotic criminals ever.If insuring cars weren't so expensive a lot more people would be driving,or maybe they are.

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