This is more than just discrimination against other ethnicity's like Chinese, Indian or Pakistani but discrimination towards minorities on a whole.If its not the name its the appearance your sound,accent,gender and race. My name has no real ethnic sound to it,so when i go to an interview my only set back is the color of my skin,i was born in Canada so i don't have many set backs,but i have seen my fare share of discrimination. City Pulse news did a segment on people looking for apartments,and the landlords are "screening" the people inquiring about the apartments by the way they sound and name,and when the meet face to face they judge by the appearance and some may profile,not every one,but in my opinion the older elders are the more prejudice.Another was about profiling,how store clerks were following young black men around the store and a white female stole clothes or food effortlessly. This whole resume discrimination this is nothing new or surprising. Alot of people should report their issues because discrimination comes in many formes,even age, older women around 60 having trouble findng work eventhough they shood be retireing.
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