Sunday, May 31, 2009

Aportion doctor shot to death

Who says religion kills or drives people to act this way i guess people who feel this strongly about adoration or about any issue are extremists.Makes me sick.

Fox criticising Obamas date night

Is this the best these guys can do to bash obama,you think the people are upset that he came to town,people are exited,national security? is that it,he and his wife are millionaire using taxpayer money please their are just mad that a president has a intimate relationship with his wife and not afraid to show the world,its not an issue,talk about real issues,critisising his taste in books,is this news? I wanted to embed the fox news video,but there wasnt an option,there is a link see for yourself.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Israel sucks ass

I wonder if the USA will have the balls to stop sending funds to Israel,i think they have received enough,or shouldn't received any funds at all.Israel will not listen to Obama,but i cant wait to see how they or any country stop settlements,i cant wait to see how things play out.

Inside Iraq: Living with the enemy

Allot of country's with war torn civil wars is the same religious or cultural wars,im reminded of Rwanda,Sri Lanka,Congo,Israel,Palestine and theres more,but its a shame that we act so primitive like we are in the animal kingdom,the reasoning for hatred is really stupid,and its sad for me to even watch this,this violence is all to common.When will we really over come our differences,and religion? is it worth killing for,struggle power really does corrupt.

Gay Soldier Appeals to obama

This shows how stupid these policy makers are who cares if they are gay,these officials are so out dated,these guys are qualified and it doesn't matter what they do behind closed doors,they don't hurt anyone,the army will benefit from having them on the force,the army can use all the soldiers they can get,this shows you how stupid these policy makers are,like most people.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Parents put blame on daughter for racist remarks, custody hearing told

I blogged about this on my last post but i got a video that can put this in better perspective.

I guess its more than condemning passing down racist ethnic cleansing hatred,im shocked that people are talking about the parents should the right to raise the child any way they want to.That is not the argument,its teaching a girl and many others that its okay to kill non-whites,nothing to do with the rights of raising the child,other arguments is that the only thing important in this situation is making sure the child has food and proper care and shelter,but this whole white supremacy thing is extreme and i can understand the child's custody is with relatives. Other arguments is making excuses for the racist parents,like other ethnicity's preach the same hatred to their children,as a man with a Caribbean background i find that ridiculous every racial/ethnic groups have there resentments and reserves about another group but not to the extent of killing the other groups,i believe we are all one blood. People who make excuses for these parents are ignorant fools,i hope this extreme bullshit stays in Calgary or Winnipeg.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Racist child's violent lessons

Another hate group on the rise,i understand passing down your believes,but they are hate beliefs and that is counter progressive and counter productive society,this is Calgary im assuming it is a white dominated province,cause this stuff happens only behind closed doors in many areas in Canada.I was really hoping these racist uprising rallies died off with the KKK.AS long as is it stays in Calgary then im fine.Its sad in 2009 this shit still exist,like ethnic cleansing is going to solve their problems,i bet none of them ever met another person from another ethnicity ever.All these people filled with ignorance bigotry and hatred should be wiped of the planet.

Sonia Sotomayor

From Bronx to Ivy League to high court? You can see the unease towards Obama decision to nominate Sonia,but im sure CNN is not the only ones with their reserves towards Obama decision.Not everyone knows about these people being nominated,that doesn't mean that their not qualified,i would expect this from fox and other republican favored programs.Its refreshing to see a variety of people from all walks of life being nominated for supreme court.

Fredy Villanueva [I hate police]

Its fine if the judge wants to hold of the proceedings until they get a lawyer,i hope the lawyer isn't a retarded degenerate like the one Ontario legal aid gave me.What is retarded,is the victims part backing out,when they really are needed to give Freddy's death justice,and hopefully he didn't die in i said before its not justified if you shoot to death a unarmed young man,the punk police couldn't put up a fight, remember he was "shot to death", meaning there was more than one shot,they didn't fight Freddy they just shot him,that wasn't justified.The police need to bulk up and learn how to fight.and for those idiot people who are worried about tax dollars when any cop kills an unarmed person an inquest should be called. How was prank calling the police? where did that come from,i thought they came cause Freddy's older brother was rolling dice,which was a bylaw.Freddy's brother is not a criminal rolling dice doesn't make you a criminal,gambling is gambling,in that sense we all are criminals.The police officer was OVER-AGGRESSIVE PERIOD and person with a logical brain can see that. I'm tired of the ignorant minority bullshit,bigots should stay in their cave.I feel bad for this family,what the hell is going on.AINT THIS A BITCH.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Discriminating Employers

This is more than just discrimination against other ethnicity's like Chinese, Indian or Pakistani but discrimination towards minorities on a whole.If its not the name its the appearance your sound,accent,gender and race. My name has no real ethnic sound to it,so when i go to an interview my only set back is the color of my skin,i was born in Canada so i don't have many set backs,but i have seen my fare share of discrimination. City Pulse news did a segment on people looking for apartments,and the landlords are "screening" the people inquiring about the apartments by the way they sound and name,and when the meet face to face they judge by the appearance and some may profile,not every one,but in my opinion the older elders are the more prejudice.Another was about profiling,how store clerks were following young black men around the store and a white female stole clothes or food effortlessly. This whole resume discrimination this is nothing new or surprising. Alot of people should report their issues because discrimination comes in many formes,even age, older women around 60 having trouble findng work eventhough they shood be retireing.

I Hate The Police

I am tired of the punk police killing unarmed people,if the police tried to rush my brother for shooting dice, [what a punk municipal bylaw]i would jump in to,even if the police got a beat down,at least he would see another day. Only certain gambling is legal how bias. if this was a gun fight then i would understand. If i killed a police officer for harassing me would i be charged? or did i acted with justified force.That badge is a licence to kill.

Torture prompts soul-searching among some Christians

This issue has nothing to do with what religion you are weather its abortion with catholics or Jewish Israeli's right to take land from Palestinians,or this issue with torture. Its all about whats necessary,now I'm sure if many of us were tortured we will pretty much say anything for the torturer to stop.If there the hardcore enemies then they will tell you straight.It seem like the conscious people in religion are against torture, agree with abortion,against settling in Palestinian land.As far as view and beliefs guess religion and politics goes hand in hand.

Black mayor of Mississippi town brings 'atomic bomb of change'

I had to blog this,and i believe the hardcore racists are slowly being extinct in certain areas in the U.S. Its good to see James Young reach the mayor status even though he is not the first black mayor in Mississippi don't count out racism in the city,i hope people aren't that naive. I wish him well im sure he will do fine.Im sure he will win over more non voters with his policies and upgrades.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

M.I.A being interviewed on Bill Maher show

She doesn't look or sound like a terrorist,i wonder how long will it take for people will realize that Tamils are not terrorists,maybe as long as the Palestinians. So i guess fighting oppression in the dictionary means terrorism. Its sad that we live in a world full of dumbasses.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

FBI defends marijuana laws

The FBI defends it because there's profits from the prison system,it was never a correctional system but more of a business,going to jail for life cause people got caught 3 times for smoking weed,is ridiculous,like the man in the video said they have to prioritise the drugs being used,likely meaning cracking down on the harder drugs,and there's no record of people dying of weed.

House passes measure expanding gun rights

Senator Coburn, speaking on the Senate floor stated :"isn't a 'gotcha' amendment" but a genuine step to protect the Second Amendment." i that amendment was never in danger,how is allowing concealed, loaded firearms to be carried in national parks and wildlife refuges a genuine step to protect the 2ND amendment. Me personally i cont care were gun owners carry their loaded weapons cause its not the guns its not the amendment its the people,people can complain about how guns kill people well they don't its people killing people. I also never understood bringing any weapons to parks and other recreational places.

Principal separates races

Probably the principal had a good intention,but it looks like a bad idea,stats or not the unfair calling out of certain groups.To much racial divide and profiling.

5 Alabama police officers fired over beating

Its funny they will fired the cops that beat the driver that was thrown and flipped out of the van and the drivers body wasn't moving. What about the cops that kill and rob? Like the corrupts cops in Texas,the NYPD that shot Sean Bail 50 times and Oscar Grant who was killed by transit officers,i grow tired of the selective justice system they have going on in the U.S.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Obama's Speech Sparks Notre Dame Protests

what happens when there is a miscarriage? Will they oppose then,other than rape victims,people have to be responsible for their actions,cant trust the condoms,and even if you don't agree with obama,you don't have to listen to him.Trying to muzzle the president? These hyper religious people should buy a clue and take a chill pill.

Races Divided in Schools

I think this speaks volumes about the local demographics in different regions.If some of these different areas have mixed races in their neighborhoods then it is an issue,if not then certain regions are just dominated buy a certain races.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sri Lankan military declares victory over rebels

I see a parallel between this Tamil situation and other genocide..well im not sure about the genocidal hatred,but i do see alot of familiarities between Sri Lanka Ans the Palestinian/Israel genocide. There is a saying one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter and there is so much truth to that. Its sad that the Innocent people are stuck in a war or become refugees,and the disgust and resentment toward Tamils are misunderstood,kinda like when people don't understand why the Palestinians would retaliate towards Israel,i don't know all the gritty details but i wish people would really research and find out whats really going on,from "separatists" to "terrorists",what are they going to say next? is this a Holy war a war between religion? I know oppression has been apart of this whole situation,and that being said I'm not surprised the Tamils are revolting against the govt.

Sri Lanka says Tamil Tiger leader killed, insurgency crushed

This is probably the last time i will blog about this situation,even though the civil war in Sri Lanka is over,there are protesters still having vigils.These people Terrorists hell no,when will these bigot Canadians understand that the flag is not a terrorist flag they wants a cease fire for the longest time,and since when were oppressed people terrorists,you need to ask the Palestinians that.All these racist and ignorance toward this whole story is bogus,if your pissed at the protesting clogging up the Toronto streets fine but call it what it is,if freedom fighters are terrorist then what does that make the oppressing opposition,hero's? In a situation like this no one wins,the only people in this situation who can really benefit is the Innocent civilians who are caught in the crossfire.Alot of people use the word terrorist loosely,but they don't know who the real terrorists are. USA,Israel are the two biggest examples of terrorism and terrorists,we all want peace but there will not be peace with out justice,not revenge justice,if there were justice not just selective justice there wouldn't be any terrorists,there wouldn't be any oppression and no need for revolution.To bad we cant even respect each other that's why i don't believe in peace.Attack these types of problems from the root not from the head cause they will reemerge.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Angels and Demons

The religious groups can get their panties in a twist if they want,but a movie is just a movie,boycott it if they wont its just another promotion/incentive to watch It.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

ASU Doesnt Give Obama a Honorary Degree

Obama is taking the ASU pretty goot taking a negative into a positive,he responded with real class.Personally i think ASU is a dempgraphic that didnt vote for him,if it was another president contender like Clinton,Mcain etc,they would of gotten a honorary degree,which he does deserve. The whole degree thing is like a ritual but its obvious its more that his "his body of work is yet to come" which is bull,but him not getting the honorary degree is really not a big deal,im sure other more prostegious colleges will give him one.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tamil Protest Angers Viewers

I can understand Torontonians or Canadians are up set and fed up of the continuing protests but i cant help but notice some of the ridiculous and ignorant things they would say one said:

"These people have a right to protest at least once a week. But have they looked at the results? They are inciting more racism in Canada and all over the world. That march on Sunday made a lot of people angry and upset and these days, people have very long memories ... Maybe we should all be marching and protesting. Think what Toronto will become!!!"
Margaret M.

How are they INCITING more racism,she sounds like a bigot just for saying that.There was another idiot that is clueless this one stated:

"Although everyone understands the overwhelming feeling of helplessness in relation to the genocide in Sri Lanka, displaying Tamil Tiger flags and inconveniencing fellow Canadians is not the way. Canada cannot support terrorist organizations. By allowing this to continue we open the door to other similar organizations such as Al-Queida.

How will the Canadian government react to other terrorist organizations in need of expressing themselves in a similar fashion? Who is going to foot the police bill? ENOUGH ALREADY!!"
Harriet N.

When was protesting and waving Tamil flag terrorist,if it is the offenders committing genocide the there would be a line going thru the flag,do you really thing the protest is for the genocide buy yourself a clue lady.I guess if there was genocide on a European country that the majority of the country has ties to then I'm sure the majority of Canadians wouldn't say this:

"Enough already!!!!

Tamils we heard you ....but [with] your public disobedience and disrespect for the Canadian way of life, you have lost my support.
Karen M.

I guess she is happy with genocide,heck.. its not her people so who cares,shat a bitch.I have to quote these people cause some are overly dramatic,people who are drama queens sounds overprivilaged.I understand the tax paying complaints but this is kinda funny:

"As a taxpayer I would like to know why this unprecedented wilful blindness to the disruption caused in the City of Toronto by the Tamil community. This is costing me, the taxpayer, a fortune in all sorts of police/emergency services not to mention clean-up services. Why is this community being allowed to hold this city hostage for something that has absolutely nothing to do with this city?"
Christine Pawinski

"I was on their side until they started holding this city, this country, my home and country [hostage] ... All I have to say is, shame, shame, shame.
Mary Lou

Last But not least this last one sounds fair.

"It was wrong of the protesters to block the Gardiner and endanger the lives of many including their own but clearly they are desperate for international help especially from a great nation like Canada...

If Canada can send troops to Afghanistan why can't they help Sri Lanka? It's sad that the only way these protesters got Queen's Park's attention is by running on the streets of Toronto and blocking traffic."
Suneil S.

My question is how is this Sri Lankan community taking the whole damn country hostage i wonder if these guys know what that means.These women must be on their peroid.Put yourselves in their shoes.Lets not loose sight on who to really be mad at, the canadian govt.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tamil Protests Against Sri Lanka Genocide

Alot of motorists who take the highway or the streets that have been clogged from protesters are irritated by the inconvenience,and believe it shouldn't be taken so far,same with business owners that have been affected by the protesting,i do feel that its one sided,protesting for a worthy cause,or loosing some business or going to be late or coming home from work late,either or its one sided. As Canadians we have it much better than the Sri Lankans that are in a civil was,i see it as selfish for those to oppose the protest because it is an inconvenience for them to make it to their comfortable homes. Here is some comments from the people,motorists or buisness owners.

There will be more road and highway shutdowns.

Monday, May 11, 2009

U.S Soldier kills five Americans

Killed by your own countryman on the battle field whats up with that? they didn't state why the soldier open fired.Senseless....

Sunday, May 10, 2009

2009 White House Correspondents' Dinner

This was a very entertaining dinner,i bet this is the first time c-span got high ratings ever for anything,especially for this correspondents dinner.Obama was hilarious,but Wanda Sykes when hard with heavy hitting punch lines expecially towards,Rush,Palin and Hannity.Im sure the Republicans will respond to Wanda,lol.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Obama Proposes Unemployed Get Grants for More Education, Training

Wow this is huge,i wish the prime minister in canada would do that,i wouldnt mind going back to school on a grant im still struggling to pay off my student loan.That would deffinately help,the american economy,and give americans who seek it get a better chance and they can get themselves out of debt.

Obama and gay rights

Well as a politician i can see why he didn't say anything on the issue yet,but I'm sure he doesn't care if they get to marry,and personally i don't believe in this whole "western world marriage". Not every one SHOULD get married its not for everybody,"common law" marriage is how it should be,without the legal contracts.Money and love dont mix,and if couples split,then they wont have to deal with the stressful divorce.

Former U.S soldier could face death over Iraq murders, rape

this guy is one of many soldiers around the globe who has abused their power for sexual favours,peace keepers included,i remember some soldiers/peacekeepers of certain regions in africa will only help helpless civilians for sexual favours.

Youth dying weekly in Chicago

One of many issues that needs to be publicised,everyone is frantic over the swine flu which isn't a pandemic. Alot of issues are not properly prioritized

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Socialism? is it that bad?

i say this at dailykos,its funny,and true.

Former porn Star Running For Political Office

How funny or even sad when an ex porn star runs for office,that says alot about politicians nowadays.Politicians are so corrupted a porn star will have a better record and all around legit background than a politician.

Sessions: Possibility of gay nominee “a big concern”

Since hes talking about gays,he is being a bigot not racist for thinking america is not ready for a gay judge,though i do think he is racist,the word racist is being thrown around to often and loosely,check out this video.

Texas Cops Return Cash they Stole

Texas police are straight jacking people of color or "ethnic minority" for their loot and who ever comes through their town,what audacity,they are acting like the somalian pirates.That black cop.. sellout. Targeting other monirities tells alot about texas cops.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Lock up teen criminals? The Correction System Needs Correction

Jane Velez-Mitchell made a very good point in her article,looking back as a teen i can see how she makes so much sense. I remember when i was living in the states there was alot of friction between the cops and youths,like they were swine and deserve the worst when in custody,and being verbally abused by my parole officer,but they only understand one side of the story. I read this in her article and its so true in north America,she stated"

"Our current system is broken because it is too focused on tossing criminals behind bars and hoping they get the message instead of rehabilitating them."

Theres nothing but a growing resentment and miserable people that's one of the reasons why i moved back to Canada,I'm not saying Canada is the best but the incarceration ideal is not as severe in Canada. Companies in the incarceration "business" are making to much money from this,so i don't see this problem going away,there is just alarming ratio of people in prison and the population is huge.

Biden prods Israel on settlements

Finally the us is ordering change in Israel,if the Israeli govt doesn't comply, the U.S should stop funding Israel they never use the funds the way U.S intended them to.This is going to be really intresting cause isreal can be very stubborn,and this may seem to go against their faith and belief

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hate Crime Bill

This just shows you how much racists and bigots are in congress,Bush opposed it I'm not surprised,but needed more than just a requirement that a victim had to be attacked while engaged in a federally protected activity, like attending school, for it to be a federal hate crime. That is just a big loop hole and many ways to work around it. How the hell does this new bill "terrorize entire segments of the population and tear at our nation's social fabric", a comment my Hoyer,a clear racist.Alot of people cant handle the truth,i noticed obama blaming lou Dobbs for the rise of hate crime,and cnn no longer has video of any hate crime speeches or comments.

I saw this on the net,another amendment whore Paul Craig Roberts.

This fool stated "There is nothing new in politicians pandering to special interests. However, "hate-crimes" bills pander in ways that violate the 14th Amendment by creating unequal standing in law". Obviously this guy is using the amendment to favor his argument the hate crime bill is not a hate crime,stop trying to defend violent racists and bigots. Racism existed for the longest time don't try to down play hate crimes like people shouldn't be getting charged for hate crimes,because hate crime are the most ignorant and senseless violence there is.By creating "unequal standing law" is necessary for unequal standing crimes. This fool also stated:

"Hatch’s bill assumes that women need protection from men’s hatred, blacks need protections from the hatred of whites, the disabled require protection from being hated by the able-bodied, and homosexuals need protecting from heterosexuals".

This bill doesn't assume this stuff hap pends,on my blog i talk about the rise in hate groups,check it out. This hate crime bill gives harsher penalties for the convicted people who commit hate crimes.This is a very ignorant statement he made he stated:

"The effect of Hatch’s bill is to divide the population into a victim class and a perpetrator class: White, heterosexual, able-bodied males (WHAMs) are the perpetrators, and everyone else their victims."

The bill wont divide,it will deter hate crimes from happening,cause i know Paul doesn't believe racism and bigotry doesn't exist.

he goes on to say:

"If a homosexual is assaulted, a hate-crime will have been committed in addition to the crime of assault. But if a heterosexual is assaulted, it will merely be an act of assault. Similarly, if a black is assaulted, robbed or murdered, a hate-crime charge will be added if the assailant is white. Rape itself can become a hate crime.

Hate does play a role in some murders, but usually it is hatred of a person, not of a race or gender or sexual orientation. Most cases of assault result from the workings of alcohol or from anger. Robbery results from a desire for money, and rape is driven by lust."

He does have a point of how to determine hate crimes from non-hate crimes,but the motives pretty much speak for themselves its not hard to see the BS.hat you called a protected category i call the people thats most hated on,you resent this bill calling this bill a hate crime you should know this bill goes both ways,theres no favoritism,in this bill this goes for every race gender and sexual orientation, monorities are not the dominant agressors,so dont play the race card with a race card,i hate ignorant bastards who cant take things for what they are.This bill is in effect because people cant tolerate other people for who they are,sheer ignorance sheer hatred pure stupidity.

Glenn Beck: Individual Rights

Besides this guys babbling about the second amendment,i don't see Americans freedom being threatened,i thought he was talking about gun control but i see its more than that. I noticed he was upset at the homeowners,but its not fair to single them out,its not just their fault,hes defending the businesses,the banks should be blamed also, some businesses shouldn't be bailed out,if the businesses go bad that's one thing but if its a corrupt businesses they shouldn't start again,they would continue mugging the economy,we all are individuals,but we all are apart of one economy,one affects the other.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Gun Owners Buying out Ammo

I never knew gun enthusiasts had any fear,i though the gun gave them some sort of power,i doubt Obama will take all their guns but taking them like taxing cigarettes is clever,i wonder what gun owners would do when all their ammo runs out,i know they ain't buying them up just for collecting bullets. its funny that those think that new legislation will violate the second amendment rights but i think its a result of abusing the use of their guns,if your a collector i can understand but who needs several types of guns and ammo in their homes?

Obama Cracks Down on Tax Loophole and havens

Finally hes cracking down on the Corporations and the rich from exploiting the tax system so they wont have to pay tax,finally these greedy bastards will pay their fair share of taxes.

British Woman could face Death Penalty

This woman was arrested for drug trafficking with 1.1 pounds of heroin,now the death penalty sounds kinda harsh don't you think? Really uncivil but yes she should be charged but facing a firing squad? I doubt Britain will allow a 20 year old pregnant woman to face such unjustified death.Laos should really update their policies,some jail time i can see that,but blowing her head off wont solve anything wither,it will make things worse for Laos.

Barack Obama's Happy Cinco de Mayo Speech

Its good to see that Obamas view on Mexico hasn't been tarnished from the recent swine flu virus,and the overall resentment and social negativity towards Mexican residents in America. This video seems to have like a party atmosphere. His opening statement was "happy Cinco de Quarto",then saying "happy Cinco de Mayo". he really gives the Mexicans props.

Presidents date night

Alot of people forget that the Obama are people like you and i and unlike other political couples these two are romantically involved,yes one is the president the other is the first lady,but in this culture of politics its not normal to spent some time with your woman and show her a good time,its normal to cheat on their wives,its cool to see the president out on a date but man,the people and the reporters are jocking them the whole time. Its refreshing to see a president as a person for a change.

Al Qaeda Using Rap for Attracting New Recuits

Its bad enough Hip Hop got a bad rap in north America but now Al Qaeda is using it to attract youths for recruiting jihad. Even though Hip Hop is work wide as a young man it makes my demographic look bad,its not attracting my people or demographic,but those who have similar beliefs and side with Al Qaeda.They have a reality tv show targeting Western samalian recruits.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hope for change: Naive Obama Supporters

Its funny how many people takes Obama's slogans and "promises" and assume he is going to achieve everything in his first term,if they paid attention to his inauguration speech he said these goals are long term not immediate,how naive some Obama supporters are. Like with in his first 100 days he can abolish racism,pass laws that can help the economy,health care fore every one,bring home the troops,etc. If people pay attention,theres alot of resentment towards him since he took office the republicans are against everything he stands for and trying to accomplish,he is going to try to start this new age "change" most likely the future generation will see it. Most Americans don't want change or don't want the change that he will try to bring.

Luis Ramirez Raw Deal: What Racists Getaway With

What racists wont get away with,only non-immigrants and non-minority can get away with these kind of killings and racially motivated crimes. These high school kids only got changes with "SIMPLE ASSAULT" and Luis Ramirez passed away,the charges should of been much more severe. Luis had a wife and kids now they have no father,he is in those high profile race related killings like Sean bail and Oscar Grant and others. Why would this grown man pick a fight with children,do you think in a new country he would start instigating?..give me a break.All the defendants got lesser charges and was acquitted from 3rd degree murder and ethnic "intimidation". What bias,who can really get away with that,that tells you alot about that demographic. The lawyer stated "it was the lack of evidents that ties to the serious charges that they brought". I guess Luis death wasn't evidence,what a disgrace,the American justice system is selective,this is proof that the justice system DOESN'T WORK.

The Rise in Racial Hate Groups

This is one of many cases,and hate related death,the flood gates open since Obama was elected,i new most Americans aren't ready,and likely never will be. I'm glad the the future generations will become less ignorant in this aspect. I will never understand how these people think that hurting and killing immigrants and non-white Americans will solve anything.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Failing Schools in U.S

I'm not surprised after seeing this video,and other articles and reports,that's dropout rates and the rise of lack of students getting a trough education,some can careless. This has been going on since 83 so i can see why y'all hate on some of my blogs,calling it gibberish and calling me illiterate,i may make a few grammar mistakes here and there i am not a professional writer but in school english was one of my strengths,i graduated high school,and went to college,so if I'm illiterate then you haters who talk shit on my writing rather than talk about my topics are obviously uneducated and illiterate. The sad thing is Americans as a whole are well knows for being ignorant,but most logical reasonable people know that's a stereotype. I lived in Hartford CT for 7 years,and there is a demographic of ignorant people,i know that not all of them are.

Back to the Failing schools,the school i went to in CT was out dated from the building to the books,and alot of teachers had a bad attitude towards the students,me personally i think was a culture issue. So many stories i would hear from my peers,some didn't spend much time in school, they would try to cut corners,with little work,or had financial issues, they had to support their families,many couldn't get enough help,some were just in the wrong crowd full of bad influences.Some classes were packed, 25 classmates is too much,not everyone got the help they needed, also there was too much and bullying and teasing there were many occasions where i see students in ambulances and in the back of cop cars. Since i came straight out of Toronto i stuck out like a sore thumb,my peers would tease me for the way i dress and talk,its a completely different culture in the states. The seniors in my graduating class who didn't pass were still given diplomas,i barley passed my self i hated the endowment from day one,if i didn't graduate i would have got a G.E.D in Toronto. Alot of people blame parents many are single and are trying to carry a heavy load,i met alot of single mothers and there is a disproportionate amount of single parents as opposed to married parents. Those students who are fatherless or lost a loved one often have issues in and out of the classroom,many don't see how sertain subjects will help them make more money. This filing education issue is going to need more than one answer.

Bill O’Reilly Frustrated in a lossing Argument


He can phrase the question any way he wants but this former army captain is not going to be bullied into submission.He is a terrible hist he just tried to force his agenda,its really aggravating to watch.You can see his bias segregating statements like the "left" liberals he would call them.

Steele one of few rebublicans with an unbias view

Are we the only one seeing the hypocracy here,imnot saying the Democrats are inocent they care hypocrites too on some issues,but it seems to me that the rebublicans are only interested in socialism and nationalism when it benifits them. [well off rich people].Check out the video.

Fox Attacks Obama, I'm Not Surprised

I wish the Republicans can debate with Obama himself,because what they call socialist is not a bad thing,there alot of countries that are doing better is a "socialist" country and still doesn't hurt their means of making capital. they should use the dictionary. I wonder what its like for them to live in a bubble.