just shows you how much racists and bigots are in congress,Bush opposed it I'm not surprised,but needed more than just a requirement that a victim had to be attacked while engaged in a federally protected activity, like attending school, for it to be a federal hate crime. That is just a big loop hole and many ways to work around it. How the hell does this new bill "terrorize entire segments of the population and tear at our nation's social fabric", a comment my Hoyer,a clear racist.Alot of people cant handle the truth,i noticed obama blaming lou Dobbs for the rise of hate crime,and cnn no longer has video of any hate crime speeches or comments.
I saw this on the net,another amendment whore Paul Craig Roberts. fool stated "There is nothing new in politicians pandering to special interests. However, "hate-crimes" bills pander in ways that violate the 14th Amendment by creating unequal standing in law". Obviously this guy is using the amendment to favor his argument the hate crime bill is not a hate crime,stop trying to defend violent racists and bigots. Racism existed for the longest time don't try to down play hate crimes like people shouldn't be getting charged for hate crimes,because hate crime are the most ignorant and senseless violence there is.By creating "unequal standing law" is necessary for unequal standing crimes. This fool also stated:
"Hatch’s bill assumes that women need protection from men’s hatred, blacks need protections from the hatred of whites, the disabled require protection from being hated by the able-bodied, and homosexuals need protecting from heterosexuals".
This bill doesn't assume this stuff hap pends,on my blog i talk about the rise in hate groups,check it out. This hate crime bill gives harsher penalties for the convicted people who commit hate crimes.This is a very ignorant statement he made he stated:
"The effect of Hatch’s bill is to divide the population into a victim class and a perpetrator class: White, heterosexual, able-bodied males (WHAMs) are the perpetrators, and everyone else their victims."
The bill wont divide,it will deter hate crimes from happening,cause i know Paul doesn't believe racism and bigotry doesn't exist.
he goes on to say:
"If a homosexual is assaulted, a hate-crime will have been committed in addition to the crime of assault. But if a heterosexual is assaulted, it will merely be an act of assault. Similarly, if a black is assaulted, robbed or murdered, a hate-crime charge will be added if the assailant is white. Rape itself can become a hate crime.
Hate does play a role in some murders, but usually it is hatred of a person, not of a race or gender or sexual orientation. Most cases of assault result from the workings of alcohol or from anger. Robbery results from a desire for money, and rape is driven by lust."
He does have a point of how to determine hate crimes from non-hate crimes,but the motives pretty much speak for themselves its not hard to see the BS.hat you called a protected category i call the people thats most hated on,you resent this bill calling this bill a hate crime you should know this bill goes both ways,theres no favoritism,in this bill this goes for every race gender and sexual orientation, monorities are not the dominant agressors,so dont play the race card with a race card,i hate ignorant bastards who cant take things for what they are.This bill is in effect because people cant tolerate other people for who they are,sheer ignorance sheer hatred pure stupidity.