Death Knight wrote:
{Death Knight quoting W.I.C}W.I.C wrote:It's quite clear that Riley got the upper-hand in this deal. Colangelo is such aAnyhow, As a soon to be defunct Raptors fan, I hope that both O'Neal and Moon flourish in Miami, and I have doubt that they will.
{Death Knight Comment}
O'Neal might flourish, but Moon absolutely sux! I wish Miami best of luck if they're counting on Moon to be a good defender at the wing for them. Moon can be a good defender, but he doesn't have the mind set and focus to be one. He also doesn't take the game seriously enough. When he makes a mistake, he'll give you the impression that he did it on purpose and doesn't care about it with this big grin on his face. Maybe his attitude towards basketball carried on from playing with the Harlem Globetrotters, I don't know, but his happy go lucky attitude on the court really bugged the hell out of me.
And just to let you guys in on a secret. Moon doesn't get to the basket not because he doesn't have handles (he doesnn't), but because he is afraid of contact. All his dunks and lay ups are a result of being wide open with no one in the paint. That's a reason why we haven't seen him posterize anyone or get to the free throw line all that much. All you can hope is that his trigger happy jump shot goes in for you guys.
{W.I.C reply}
Meh...Don't listen to this guy. He's a prototypical Raptors fan whose views mirror that of two of the worst TV commentators in the NBA: Leo Rautins, and Matt Devlin.
See in the eyes of the brainwashed Raptors fan, they some how believed that a 29yr old, 700K salary, Moon "should" have been able to improve his limited ball-handling skills over a 6 month break, and all of a sudden be able to "drive to the rim" (by that they mean, take his man off of the dribble). This absurd expectation is based on nothing more than the fact that "he can jump high"; they think there's a correlation between the ability to jump high and the ability to break down the naive.
I wonder what they'll be saying when they realize that Marion will also be incapable of taking his man off the the dribble? Or do they actually think Marion (starting SF) is gonna cross Lebron, Granger, Iguodala, Wallace, etc...
They like to pin the motion-less offense on Moon, believing that Marion will bring much needed movement to the Raptors offense. But it never dawned on them, that the only time the Raptors playbook involves any useful motion is when they run that double screen curl for the SG. So what does that say? Moon wasn't the only one camping out looking for a jump shot.
Unless the Raptors make a brand new playbook just for Marion, once he's plucked into the stagnant Raptors offense, he will be taking the same type of jump shots as Moon, and the same wide open 3s as Moon. In my opinion, the Heat received "Shawn Marion lite" (lite as in less shot attempts, less height) for practically nothing.
Having watched just about every single Raptors game that Moon has played in and having watched a few Heat games on League Pass I'll say what I said before: Moon will flourish. Whether he gets 10 minutes of playing time, or 25 minutes, he'll do fine: He'll be playing with backcourt players that can penetrate into the lane, and among other things, aren't afraid to throw alley-oop.
Once again, congrats to Heat fans for having a GM that knows how to take advantage of a nub named Colangelo. Anyone who doesn't believe that the Raptors got the short end of the stick is, well...