Sunday, December 13, 2009
Don't Hate Obama Hate the Nobel Peace Prize
Its the Nobel Peace Prize committee people should be mad at,i guess this is another reason for the anti-Obama haters to bitch about him,also what i hear the most is he hasn't done enough,obviously he hasnt,its his first year,and the congress cant work together and his own democrats cant seem to agree or co-operate on anything they often back down to the rebublicans on sertain bills that they want to pass into legislation. People often forget that he is a politician at the end of the day,people are are finally waking up out of their fantasy that this man will fix the problems socially and economically overnight.He admits others are more worthy of the award to why yall have to get your panties in a bunch. By the way can you achieve peace without war or is it human nature that makes us so violent and ignorant.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Obama urges students to work hard, stay in school Speech'{0471DDF0-D0D8-48A8-9E30-ADD40CBE0269},0,1237265.story
I see nothing wrong with this speech. Why would parents take their kids out of schools,i guess its true they don't want their kids listening to a black man about education,how stupid is this!!!If people cant see the racism here i don't know what to say,by all means stay ignorant,they are the same people who fear an education.
Ignorance and racism echoed in Congress
Who heckles when a president gives a speech,if Obama was white they would show more respect,S.C. observer says his view might be echoing sentiment from voters... yeah racist voters who cant accept that the president is black.
Jordans induction Speech not Petty
Adrian Wojnarowski a Yahoo NBA columnist has obviously taken Jordan's speech out of context,and i think he hasn't watched the whole speech or wasn't paying attention,Jordan was talking about his competitive nature,hes telling us something that we may not know about him,we all know he is a competitive nature, well those of us who really paid attention closely to him over the years,but he goes into detail there's no bitterness no hatred its called "COMPETITIVENESS" that's his whole speech was about.Adrian Wojnarowski is a horrible columnist,im not a professional writer but i see things for what they are not for what they aren't.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
F*** Canada:Traitors to their own People
Canada tells Kenya to lock her up and finally she has proved her identity even though her I.D was valid its clear Canada don't care about visible minorities,this would never to a white person look up Mohamud.This is disgusting,Canada race relations are worse than the USA,see how Bill Clinton saved those two American journalists,Mohamud was at Kenya's mercy.
The Toronto Star stated:
"She showed her credit card, two bank cards, Shoppers Drug Mart Optimum card, Humber River Regional Hospital Card and a recent dry cleaning receipt from One Hour Brighten Cleaners on Lawrence Ave. W., near her Toronto address.
She produced a letter from her Toronto employer, ATS courier service, about a recent promotion.
The high commission rejected them all. Worse, instead of helping Mohamud, they sent her voided passport to Kenyan immigration authorities to help them prosecute her."
Also in the article Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon stated:
"Mohamud must try harder to prove herself: "The individual ... has to let us know whether or not she is a Canadian citizen," he said.
Asked if he would accept a DNA match, Cannon replied last week through a spokesperson: "I cannot answer a hypothetical question."
What a load of bull,the government will make a report and im sure she will sue them and rightfully so.
Canada tells Kenya to lock her up and finally she has proved her identity even though her I.D was valid its clear Canada don't care about visible minorities,this would never to a white person look up Mohamud.This is disgusting,Canada race relations are worse than the USA,see how Bill Clinton saved those two American journalists,Mohamud was at Kenya's mercy.
The Toronto Star stated:
"She showed her credit card, two bank cards, Shoppers Drug Mart Optimum card, Humber River Regional Hospital Card and a recent dry cleaning receipt from One Hour Brighten Cleaners on Lawrence Ave. W., near her Toronto address.
She produced a letter from her Toronto employer, ATS courier service, about a recent promotion.
The high commission rejected them all. Worse, instead of helping Mohamud, they sent her voided passport to Kenyan immigration authorities to help them prosecute her."
Also in the article Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon stated:
"Mohamud must try harder to prove herself: "The individual ... has to let us know whether or not she is a Canadian citizen," he said.
Asked if he would accept a DNA match, Cannon replied last week through a spokesperson: "I cannot answer a hypothetical question."
What a load of bull,the government will make a report and im sure she will sue them and rightfully so.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Should Vick play in NFL?
I'm hearing alot of the word role model role model in this article and the fact that most if not all north Americans and certain other countries,if youths have celebrities or sport players like Vick theres something wrong,the parents or some guardian should be "role model" not people on TV,the people on TV are entertainers not role models the fact that our culture automatically puts them on a pedestal is sad,this just shows our priorities are not in their proper places.I see alot of Bias towards Vick racial or not but yes he gambles on dog fighting killing dogs but animals and pet lovers got to be fair i remember Carl Rove posing after hunting with dead animals and Sarah Palin shooting moose posing with a moose head,if your goig to condemn i wish their would be fairness in these different situations the differences is that Sarah Palin is kills for sport and Vick kills for money that's pretty much it but the bitter hatred makes me believe its also racial bias,i understand this is a nation pf pet lovers but does than mean its okay to kill wildlife? Alot of people thinks hes scum but obviously they are pet lovers and probably dont even watch football and the kids want to see him play again it seems like they forgave him. This also reminds me of Chris Brown,our culture is very judgemental alot of people want to see Chris career end like Vick because he hit Rhianna,i figure a nation full or frauds and hypocrites you would thing people would be more understanding,its like they want to hang these guys,don't get me wrong i don't condemn what they did but it seems like society really want to take away their living,i know they may be well off financially to my understanding but every body's shit stinks most of us would be hypocrites to judge them we all make mistakes and if society and culture seems to be a nation of suckers and haters who want to take away any ones lively hood when they mess up,its very unforgiving,and in this nation its also has a double standard racially as well as gender.
Israel defends Jerusalem evictions:Pure Bullshit
I'm sorry but this whole thing is bull,an no names "settler group" stated this:
"In the court action, a settler group sued claiming the Palestinians had violated an agreement under which they were allowed to live in the houses."
"Israel, the occupying power, once again has shown its commitment to the settler organizations by evicting more than 50 Palestinians, many of them children, from the houses where they have lived for more than 50 years," chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat said in a statement."
I think the Israeli's are pulling this shit out of their ass for the settlement movement,i swear i hate religion.These Palestinians lived there for generations before this legal BS the Israeli people who moved in have a deed to move in was it their property? did they have family living there before the Palestinians NO,any logical person can see this is bullshit,there is no detail to who what where and when,this law is not older than the generations of Palestinians who lived there.Israelis are just cleaning house that's it.
I'm sorry but this whole thing is bull,an no names "settler group" stated this:
"In the court action, a settler group sued claiming the Palestinians had violated an agreement under which they were allowed to live in the houses."
"Israel, the occupying power, once again has shown its commitment to the settler organizations by evicting more than 50 Palestinians, many of them children, from the houses where they have lived for more than 50 years," chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat said in a statement."
I think the Israeli's are pulling this shit out of their ass for the settlement movement,i swear i hate religion.These Palestinians lived there for generations before this legal BS the Israeli people who moved in have a deed to move in was it their property? did they have family living there before the Palestinians NO,any logical person can see this is bullshit,there is no detail to who what where and when,this law is not older than the generations of Palestinians who lived there.Israelis are just cleaning house that's it.
City garbage stike is over but the stench remains
I understand striking for a raises and job security but that's all i can agree with, the other things these guys are striking for i don't its unnecessary and greedy,I'm sure they get their retirement plans or packages that they have with the city or through their company.What makes these strikers greedy and selfish [as far as making the city do with out one of their essential services,stink and wasting residents time with these temporary dumps also other domino effects with jobs and businesses]is that they want perks that's all they were striking all this time for pure perks! The city can give them a fair raise and job security but the banking sick days was a stretch,no other company does this,i understand why unions are frown upon,these guys take it so far they should be happy they still have their jobs,i resent both unions 719 and 416. We would all like perks from our jobs or careers,but you got to be fair and reasonable.
I understand striking for a raises and job security but that's all i can agree with, the other things these guys are striking for i don't its unnecessary and greedy,I'm sure they get their retirement plans or packages that they have with the city or through their company.What makes these strikers greedy and selfish [as far as making the city do with out one of their essential services,stink and wasting residents time with these temporary dumps also other domino effects with jobs and businesses]is that they want perks that's all they were striking all this time for pure perks! The city can give them a fair raise and job security but the banking sick days was a stretch,no other company does this,i understand why unions are frown upon,these guys take it so far they should be happy they still have their jobs,i resent both unions 719 and 416. We would all like perks from our jobs or careers,but you got to be fair and reasonable.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Somalia threatens Kenya
I wouldnt be suprised if somalia does attack kenya Obama will react because he has family there it would be interesting how this plays out i do believe that kenya can hold its own.
I wouldnt be suprised if somalia does attack kenya Obama will react because he has family there it would be interesting how this plays out i do believe that kenya can hold its own.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Obama: I didn't mean to slight Cambridge police
A class act Obama taking the blame for his role in the controversy,even though i agree with him as the police acted stupidly.Race relations problem in the states will never be solved.
A class act Obama taking the blame for his role in the controversy,even though i agree with him as the police acted stupidly.Race relations problem in the states will never be solved.
Racist sign targets Hispanics
Im not suprised this woman put that racist sign on shes 72.But not all hispanicks are mexican or illegal immigrants and in the USA legaly,but to those who are not, many of them cant read english.The neighbor hood knows shes a old bitter racist prick,thats all.The sign wont do much for her agenda.
Im not suprised this woman put that racist sign on shes 72.But not all hispanicks are mexican or illegal immigrants and in the USA legaly,but to those who are not, many of them cant read english.The neighbor hood knows shes a old bitter racist prick,thats all.The sign wont do much for her agenda.
Are more women OK with watching porn?
This is a weak reason to fire this mayor,alot of people in politics are up tight about this porn subject,even a religious,alot of people are uncomfortable with this even though its apart of life,just a bunch of stuck up pricks,the video speaks for itself.
This is a weak reason to fire this mayor,alot of people in politics are up tight about this porn subject,even a religious,alot of people are uncomfortable with this even though its apart of life,just a bunch of stuck up pricks,the video speaks for itself.
Ousted Honduran president returns to Honduran border
Its crazy to have the military to wrongfully remove this former president and forcing him from his homeland hes is not a virus,this is very uncivil,and why are they really threatening to arrest this man,this former president which his term hasn't expired before they forced him out,im not sure what threat this man is.I didn't know crossing the border was reckless the military forcing him out of bed was reckless.
Its crazy to have the military to wrongfully remove this former president and forcing him from his homeland hes is not a virus,this is very uncivil,and why are they really threatening to arrest this man,this former president which his term hasn't expired before they forced him out,im not sure what threat this man is.I didn't know crossing the border was reckless the military forcing him out of bed was reckless.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Toronto Civic Workers Strike Enters Fifth Week
Over a month and these guys are still on strike,i feel so sympathy for these unionised workers especially when this point in time its a recession,i will gladly take their place throwing out trash the pay is very good as well as the benefits,many lost their jobs and struggling to find a decent ones or any jobs at all.Its bad enough the whole city has dump sites alot of programs and summer jobs are cancelled, people have to wait for hours to through their garbage our at these temporary dump sites most of them parks,no where for the kids to play,im not surprised to see alot of Toronto residents assaulting these strikers. Its so sad to see Toronto residents get at each others throats because residents are throwing trash in other residents dump sites which is near their backyards and they don't want to deal with the stench.Me personally i just dump my garbage in my landlords trash bins out side like i usually do,so im not really affected by the strike.Dumps sites all through the city is an eye sore and also an embarrassment,especially when tourists and visitors come to town.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Black Philadelphia police sue over message board, say it's racist
I know there is a racial divide in Philly but in the police department that's another level. In this article Shelley Smith, Philadelphia's city solicitor, said. "The lawsuit is about a private Web site. It's not a police department Web site. It's not operated or overseen by the police department. The allegations against the city and police department are misplaced."
First of all the site is not a police department site but, the officers did feel free to use the site at the station and they were accused of openly making racist remarks so the allegations against the city and police department are not misplaced,they brought the racism from the site to the police department.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Childless man freed after serving time for child support violations
Another dad who was never a dad to begin with,alot of guys should get a blood test to make sure the seed is theirs.This guy has to still pay the $16 grand for a child that's not his because he signed documents to support this child,bad move, what isn't his,all this time in jail because he couldn't make his payments,times are hard for him financially and they jailed him from time to time, 13 years of payments,ain't this a bitch.He should get some kind of compensation for being incarcerated.
Kids TV praises Gaza mom's suicide bombing
This is sad and scary when your a child maybe even confused,but I'm sure its hard to keep the peace when your being oppressed in every sense of the word. its sad to see that this Hamas program is trying to program violence to the children,but is suicide the only way to make the oppressor back off or just killing of the Palestinian future that is their children,I'm not saying for them not to do anything but this is so sad,and even desperate,to bad there is so much support for Israel's settlements,and tolerance for what they have done and currently doing to the Palestinian nation.
Contest controversy in Afghanistan
I cant wait for this country to step out of the stone age,this woman is getting threats for singing and dancing,how stupid and foolish these muslim rules are,they make no sence.I guess this is why extremeists religion believers hate the western world.To bad these senceless relegion believers dont believe in simple logic,pure senceless extremeism.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Swim club turns away black campers
Its funny in the news they always question if its really racism,when it shows up.Its like they, like most people wouldn't recognize racism when it bites them on the ass. I wish they would just call it like it is.Face it the numbers of "minorities" are continuously rising,so whats left of these bigots will definitely be flushed out.
Its funny in the news they always question if its really racism,when it shows up.Its like they, like most people wouldn't recognize racism when it bites them on the ass. I wish they would just call it like it is.Face it the numbers of "minorities" are continuously rising,so whats left of these bigots will definitely be flushed out.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Apparent B.C. hate crime attack posted on YouTube
The RCMP don't seem convinced,but if the aggressor was jay they would literally hang him.As far as hate crime it should got vice versa for any ethnic background.These 3punks are getting some doubt from the RCMP if their racists ,so the white people who feel that hate crimes are against them well most hate crimes are caused by white people because of the massive advantage in demographic numbers,some people in different ethnic groups have hatred for each other and whites but i doubt it favours blacks and other minority's, remember this is north America we aren't talking about the rest of the world.As far as North America they don't call it a white mans world for nothing, people are still being discriminated against and racism still exist,don't let Obama fool you.In B.C on Vancouver island its a different demographic,Jay knew he had to watch his back,but in T.O young black men may not be as civil as jay,those 3 would of got shot.There are many racists in many different colors religion,culture and ethnicity.
The RCMP don't seem convinced,but if the aggressor was jay they would literally hang him.As far as hate crime it should got vice versa for any ethnic background.These 3punks are getting some doubt from the RCMP if their racists ,so the white people who feel that hate crimes are against them well most hate crimes are caused by white people because of the massive advantage in demographic numbers,some people in different ethnic groups have hatred for each other and whites but i doubt it favours blacks and other minority's, remember this is north America we aren't talking about the rest of the world.As far as North America they don't call it a white mans world for nothing, people are still being discriminated against and racism still exist,don't let Obama fool you.In B.C on Vancouver island its a different demographic,Jay knew he had to watch his back,but in T.O young black men may not be as civil as jay,those 3 would of got shot.There are many racists in many different colors religion,culture and ethnicity.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Micheal Jackson:More respect outside North america
I realised there is more love that hate towards Micheal,some say hes a child abuser petafile crazy wacko jacko etc.Even though he's passed on the attention shows the magnitude of influence this man had in our lives,if your not a fan of his music or even genre of music then i can see why they don't under stand why people are sad over his passing and have no clue why so many people would mourn a crazy child abusing petafile even though he was acquitted,that ruined his image,though he still had a massive amount of supporters.I also noticed that alot of foreigners as well as north Americans come to L.A. people may say hes not the greatest because hes washed up hasn't dropped an album in almost a decade.I was reading on hos bio and found an interesting info,this may not be surprising to the typical Micheal Jackson fan but Micheal's records always sold more overseas or outside north America.After his bad album he didn't hold as many copies in north America,his Dangerous album was the last one to sell well in north America but all the albums always sold a substantial amount over seas that north America maybe ever double many times over,look it up.The constant bashing through the media and legal trouble he had really affect how north Americans view his persona,didn't really affect his fans overseas. I am not the typical Micheal Jackson fan but i really started to listen to his music through my older brother,my parents were a generation before him so they don't know his music wasn't open minded to listen,but if you pay attention,we was a humanitarian,and singing about love and respect for each other as humans,wanting a better world etc. He was conscious about the world and whats going on,people can relate to his music,but when a person has so much influence and inspiration to alot of people shouldn't they mourn? I like many didn't know him personally just his music,but I'm sure to alot of fans as well as his family a part of them died when he passed. Its just human nature.Many disagree that hes the greatest entertainer ever,if that was based on album sales then he is, just remember to factor in overseas sales too cause its crazy. Some may say Paul McCartney and the Beatles,ray Charles Stevie wonder Billie Holiday Nat king Cole etc are greater than him people who say that are old,but no disrespect to those American legends but the only one that came before Micheal Jackson that i will listen to is James brown. The thing people forget is not all classics are timeless,classics are the hits of their day and can be truly enjoyed and appreciated buy their generation,timeless are hits that can survive the times and can be enjoyed by future generations,Micheal Jackson has an advantage because he was singing since he was a kid he has a multi-generational advantage and loved in the hip hop community,like James brown his music is sampled,and alot of the youth today love hip-hop so the Micheal Jackson Influence is going to be around for a long time.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Williams sisters:Rulers of tennis,174578
When i saw this on yahoo i can tell they have their reserves about the Williams sisters asking if they ruined or saved the sport.I find it funny cause allot of people cant stand them despite their success,its their personality its their businesses of court,it because their different and no like the traditional white woman or European.Face it they are the first "Negros" in tennis and when you are the first black person to be good any a white persons sport it wont be welcomed i remember Serena was booed entering a match she had,i see the bigotry on these websites calling them gorillas,pure racism.Face it they came in and dominated the sport and put tennis on the map period.I never watched tennis until they came along,there was a tennis video game EA sports put out couple of times, you think with out the Williams sisters there would of been a video game of tennis? They enriched the sport and made it watchable.The haters hate them because they are black and successful,they style of fashion on and off the court,they hate that they prepared themselves for the future with their fashion business and other financial investments. They hate because allot of tennis players can learn from them business wise.Haters all around them but wont hate to their face pure cowards.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Al Qaeda threatens France for perceived anti-burqa stance

Al Qaeda is not so bright it seems like they want to retaliate against anyone with different views,but to tell the truth i think the women should wear what ever they want but they should realize that they are in a different country with different beliefs and they should discard the veil if they want to,i see women here in Canada with veils and blankets covering their bodies and faces.

Al Qaeda is not so bright it seems like they want to retaliate against anyone with different views,but to tell the truth i think the women should wear what ever they want but they should realize that they are in a different country with different beliefs and they should discard the veil if they want to,i see women here in Canada with veils and blankets covering their bodies and faces.
Courtroom brawl
out of all the places to brawl in the courthouse.Its insensitive that the suspect was said to smile at a murder victim's kin,it seems like he was going to get off easy of his charges or just plain stupid. But on a more human stand point if a guy kills my family member and smiles at me in court because he is going to be acquitted i would wait til he is released,if not let him stink in jail.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Micheal jackson: The Death of Peter Pan? Wheres the respect?,8599,1907344,00.html
This man and icon is dead and this guy calls him peter pan? I don't care if many people think hes creepy and unusual,if he was truly guilty of every scandal and charges it would be very easy to convict him. To me i just think these people pressing charges just want his money from the lawyers to the children's parents,it may ruin his image to some,but doesn't affected what he has accomplished.I respect him as a musician and singer i don't know him as a person,i do know he is a humanitarian.These charges doesn't make him look creepy to me,its his skin disease and many nose surgery's.His scandals does shows how he has issues with his childhood.I don't believe he causes "scandals" or problems for himself but its all how we perceive them,there is always two sides to the story.
Other than his downsides his troubles with children doesn't overshadow his success,he will go down in history as a musical multi-generational and multicultural icon hand down.When i heared the news i didn't get emotional,im not the type of person to get worked up over some one i don't know personally,i loves his music i was never a historical fan,may he forever rest in peace in his next life.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Cavaliers Acquire Superstar Centre Shaquille O'Neal From Suns
I kinda seen this comming, the Caveliers are one of the few teams i see shaq going to,now i wonder where will iverson go.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Trooper Claims Dashboard Cam Upholds His Actions,2933,526495,00.html
I wonder if this guy saw the same video the officers lawyer stated "James claims the dashboard camera upholds his client's story, showing that he acted appropriately in subduing paramedic Maurice White." I didn't know he needed to be subduing,some communication would of been necessary,obviously if the officers was listening instead of yelling and making threats,and choking Maurice White they would know that he is in change of the situation as far as the ambulance and the patient.The paramedic would comply but no one can comply especially when the officer is unreasonable, remember he has a patient in need to go to the hospital,and he is the only paramedic for the whole damn county.
NAACP Rallies for Cop Killer on Death Row,2933,527944,00.html
I read this and thought i might as well spread the word,the south as well as the northern states has a long way to go. I hope they are able to get that hearing,i understand that alot of innocent people get killed on death row.
I read this and thought i might as well spread the word,the south as well as the northern states has a long way to go. I hope they are able to get that hearing,i understand that alot of innocent people get killed on death row.
Iran Protesters: Civil Rights movement?
the Iranian Supreme leader doesn't seen to civil.An 11 million vote difference,i thought Iranian population was dominantly under 30 and likely to vote for Mousavi.Something isnt right.I wonder if the supreme leader will have the protestere killed?
Friday, June 19, 2009
Food bank users rise
Not just in Canada but the U.S im sure,the recession is huring everyone,this alone is the reason why Obama needs to overhaul the financial system,there is a domino effect cause of the greedy wealthy that can care less about the suffering.Its all about profit right? Obama good luck.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
ISPs must help police snoop on internet under new bill
I don't think this bill will just go after organized crime,terrorists and pedophiles,like a man said in this video i agree that they will get all the petty crimes,music video,and maybe porn even if its not child porn,this is a big opportunity for them to abuse their power on another level.This law hasn't been passed yet so consider this a heads up.
Students retalition stabbing
This is definitely sad,i was in a similar situation numerous times in high school,i was often offered guns and i contemplating weather or hot i should buy one, with my conscience bothering me luckily i didn't. Many of my class mates pissed me of to the point that i wanted to retaliate with a weapon,but i never got provoked with a beating of school grounds. These guys say that its sad that society is becoming violent, and often in schools. The reality is that since i was in school nothing changed but the numbers or these situations are rising,i don't condone what these brothers did but i understand and i cant really blame them,they will have to chock this up to experience like i did.20 people witnessed the beating and recorded it on their phones,nobody broke it up,so pathetic.I'm not going to say the brothers are hot headed and react before thinking,remember they went home and came back. Consequences will definitely put these brothers in check but wont necessarily change them for the better. If i got a beating do you think i would respond with love? Lets be realistic,we have to respect each other.
Rating U.S. health care
I see the cost but imagine the debt. This is just the health care not just housing or insurance or any other bills the typical American has, all this after these people lost their jobs you do the math.
flyswatter in chief Obama
PETA needs to get a life its not the end of the world if he kills a FLY!!.Are they going to give him a tissue for stepping on a bug? get a life get laid.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Obama tries to overhaul U.S financial system
Its good for him to clean up the system and the corrupt ways of doing business at the enspence of the people.People who are against this are just mad that they wont be able to screw over people for profit,the whole financial mentality and in some cases lifestyles has to change they really need to prioritise.This is not a double edge sword as this guy in this video says,this wont restrict any one it just puts the people in or running financial system in check.I don't see this passing in congress because everyone is a whore for money in the U.S,the res plenty of them all across the government from congress to governors,their will be allot of give and take,i bet the republicans will attach a bill to let gun owners carry guns to lord knows where.What a two-faced country.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Trooper vs. paramedic scuffle
I cant stand cops power tripping they cant hear the patient screaming?,the paramedic didn't do any thing to warrant the trooper to put his hands on him and being rude.Ambulance light on or not,that doesn't warrant the cops to tailgate and cutting off the ambulance,the trooper doesn't have a leg to stand on i don't care what his attorney says.This CNN doesn't give enough context so here's a link to ABC news link to the video.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Ignorant Israelis
Why would god tell them to take someone else's land? That doesn't sound to godly to me,only foolish people live buy a book with no proof of the distant past,it this is how god really feels how we should treat our fellow man,then he must be the devil in disguise
Violent Iranian election aftermath
As long as Ayatollah Khamenei is the number one guy this isn't a true democratic election he tells the Iranians who to vote for and the prime minister doesn't have much power to make a change.Big changes has to go through Ayatollah Khamenei,if Iran wants a better future he has to go,out with the old in with the new,i blame him for the aftermath and outcome of this Iran election.
Netanyahu rediculous speech
This guy and his hyper religious racists doesn't now whats right from wrong.I don't hate Jews,objecting to Israel settlement expansion and oppression doesn't make me a Jew hater,that reasoning has no logic or sense,that is their only response when they are addressed by others who oppose to what they are doing. Their will never be peace,Israel keeps on taking Palestinians keep on giving against their will.Netanyahu says settlements have NOTHING TO DO with the conflict,taking you enemy's land is not apart of the problem,obviously he knows nothing about Palestinians and whats going on,I'm bothered on so many levels.their will be never any common grown between these two oppositions,cause Israeli's have most of that ground,Israel want to much in any peace deal.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Anger Over Iranian Elections Erupts In Toronto
This is not just in protesting Toronto but in many places around the world,i wonder if these protesters outside Iran in other countries know that the government doesn't really care or cant really do any thing about Iran's vote,and i know that the people in other countries don't really care for the most part about the Iranian election. i understand the violence in Iran but violence in other part of the world because of the outcome,really doesn't make any sense causing violence on foreign soil.
Friday, June 12, 2009
American Jews reaction to Obama's speech in Cairo
I'm shocked to come across this video,a family member told me about this real talk documentary,its really a community or college radio,i guess the are on a local public access/community channel in their region.this video was taken in Israel and alot of American Israeli people look drunk,even though i believe people who speak drunken works have sober thoughts.They are bashing Obama for illogical reasons,typical ignorant American,one hates him because Obama wants to take away his gun rights.He was right, he doesn't follow politics and that's why he doesn't know Obama wont and doesn't intent to take away peoples guns.Besides that he still hates him.Even though in some parts of the world Israelis aren't considered white,well this group does and think they are white supremacists,its funny how people forget,the Nazis were the white supremacists and didn't consider them "real" white people.Its funny how the girl in this video is a political science major, she must be failing miserably,the U.S doesn't have a problem with Israel they were Ali's for years,the U.S is giving billions monthly to Israel for goodness sake,Israel has one of the top sophisticated army's in the world and also a nuclear powerhouse.Like many Americans she thinks hes a Muslim and terrorist.She doesn't know that he is trying to mend the American image in the Muslim world because they think we are over privileged assholes like these assholes in this video.Funny how they hate blacks but some of these idiots are wanna be Jamaicans,playing their Jewish reggae. One was cursing him for not changing America like his campaign promise,I'm sure a bunch Americans on the homeland not just American Jews.For the record,Obama doesn't want the Muslim world to love him he wants to repair the American image cause these guys don't help,just reinforce the American ignorance.I hope Obama stops funding to Israel and stops settlements.U.S has showed Israel they care,now Israel is like U.S over privileged ignorant racist Zionists.
Obama Writes Doctor's Note for Girl
This is one of those rare good things you hear in the news, to bad the news is generally dominated by bad news and gossip.The news doesn't just tell the people whats going on it also inflames and reaffirm stereotypes with its selective storeys they print,also the reason people hate other people and create divided among people and ignorance.Back to this story this just shows how Barack is so down to earth and knows when not to take things so seriously,this is refreshing.
This is one of those rare good things you hear in the news, to bad the news is generally dominated by bad news and gossip.The news doesn't just tell the people whats going on it also inflames and reaffirm stereotypes with its selective storeys they print,also the reason people hate other people and create divided among people and ignorance.Back to this story this just shows how Barack is so down to earth and knows when not to take things so seriously,this is refreshing.
Obama takes health care plan to the people
Its good to see the president take health care reform to the people,i think this is necessary to make it clear to the people rather than commercials,the republicans and private companies are opposing to this through their commercials. If i was an American i would be offended by the misleading commercials. The republican Mitch McConnell telling the people that this new reform will destroy what people like about the care that they already have. He is talking about the few people and families who has a health care plan he is ignorant to the fact that there is a staggering amount of people with out a health care plan that they can afford.The only thing this reform will destroy is the ability for these private companies to exploit the people financially.This reform plan is just another OPTION for the people so they still have a choice.The republicans don't give people enough credit,the people know what they want.
Hate crime statistics
There are arguments that claim that all sorts of crimes are motivated by hate,I'm sure there are many,but people who make that point seem that all crimes are motivated by hate and that's simply not true,other reasons are poverty and greed. The thought of hate crime rises really does surprise me,i guess there is more hardcore racists out there than i thought or a bigger demographic having a come out party.I don't believe that hate crimes deserve special punishment i believe they deserve harsher punishment. Racists are not just targeting black people,they are also harassing Latinos and Jewish people,and on that note the term anti-Semite is funny to me cause all racists are anti-black,anti-Latino or anybody that's non-white, lets just call them racists and in this case white supremacists.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Cop uses taser on grandma
Ifs funny how a cop twice her size and half her age has to resort to shoving and tazering,their just assholes,its not like shes 30+years younger where i can see he has to resort to shoving,but he didn't warn her about the traffic,hes just an ass. Also she agreed to sign the ticket so why this cop didn't allow her to sign it,what a power crazy asshole.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Hero Stephen Tyrone Johns killed in Holocaust Museum
I noticed,Stephen Tyrone Johns didn't get much attention,white supremacists hate blacks too,alot of sites don't mention hes black and don't talk about him as a person or his family,its all about holocaust and Jews,a black man getting shot my a white supremacist is no big deal?,its all about the holocaust museum.This guard who got shoot and died didn't get enough air play or info about him and the other guards to fended off the shooter. James Von Brunn gets more air play am i the only one that has a problem with this? I understand that there has to be whitnessess that saw what happened and needs to be documented but the news seem more concerned about the museum visitors not the only person who died and other guards that got hurt.If this was any where else other than a jewish holocaust meusium memorial no one would care about the white supremisist that killed a black man Stephen Tyrone Johns.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Divided on health care
The republicans and private insurers are upset cause they will loose money and cant financially rape the people for money.Its better for the people to have another option and wont get exploited buy the greedy private insurance plans.
White House was wrong about jobs in America
They are not considering that all the governors not accepting the stimulus money for their states,so alot of stimulus money not being used.
Voight on Obama: The president is a 'false prophet'
Since when did Obama said he was a prophet?Since when showing compassion and showing respect for the eastern world disastrous? This guy must be from another galaxy.I guess he like the Bush era constantly aggravating their enemies and remain ignorant on how to treat our fellow man.Since when talking with sense dignity and eloquence making America soft? Calling him a false profit,why Obama,why not any other president,talk about a hyper religious nut.One more question,how the hell is Obama and his policies oppressing the American nation? I guess this guy doesn't know Obama's approval rating.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Brown would have no trouble coaching Iverson again
Alot of sports fans listen and believe the bias of some of these sports writers towards ball players,the swagger or attitude of some players rub fans or writers the wrong way and they believe that the players are something they are not and don't know any thing about the players personally,its really disgusting. Not many knows that they got along for the most part now and even back in his Philly days.Iverson always got a bad persona cause the way he dress talked or his reactions on and off the court theres always two sided to the story,but as far as the Pistons Nuggets trade,every on knows it was for cap space and he clearly didn't fit the pistons playing style,and he got bashed,it wasn't fair,for him and the pistons team. Basketball fans will love him or hate him but no in between,Charlotte or not there will be a team that can use Iverson. A cancer i think not,only hater fans will call him that,Iversont doesn't deserve to be demoted because he hasn't declined,he still has the skill set to drop 40+ points and 5+ assists and for a player who plays under the rim as well as he does there is not much of a decline in his game,unlike Vince Carter who is used to scoring over the rim he cant get up as high as he used to,but is clutch and can score 20+.It is disrespectful to ask him to step down and take fewer minutes,hes not as effective but who knows how this off season will turn out.
Alot of sports fans listen and believe the bias of some of these sports writers towards ball players,the swagger or attitude of some players rub fans or writers the wrong way and they believe that the players are something they are not and don't know any thing about the players personally,its really disgusting. Not many knows that they got along for the most part now and even back in his Philly days.Iverson always got a bad persona cause the way he dress talked or his reactions on and off the court theres always two sided to the story,but as far as the Pistons Nuggets trade,every on knows it was for cap space and he clearly didn't fit the pistons playing style,and he got bashed,it wasn't fair,for him and the pistons team. Basketball fans will love him or hate him but no in between,Charlotte or not there will be a team that can use Iverson. A cancer i think not,only hater fans will call him that,Iversont doesn't deserve to be demoted because he hasn't declined,he still has the skill set to drop 40+ points and 5+ assists and for a player who plays under the rim as well as he does there is not much of a decline in his game,unlike Vince Carter who is used to scoring over the rim he cant get up as high as he used to,but is clutch and can score 20+.It is disrespectful to ask him to step down and take fewer minutes,hes not as effective but who knows how this off season will turn out.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Crime rate rises House prices lower in nation's housing crisis
Bittersweet but more bitter than sweet,houses are cheaper,but bad banking at the customers expense is the main reason,the aftermath is sad.Houses are more reasonably priced,better than a half million,which is the price of many houses in Toronto,i do feel housed are overpriced,considering the material used to make them and the total square feet of these houses,what a ripp of.
Another Police Beating
So sad,standing doing what he was told,nothing warrant this beating,im so tired of this bull,did any one learn from rodney king?
Lebanon votes in high-stakes election
Hezbollah doesn't strike fear when i hear about this vote elections,alot of dumb assess want Lebanese to give up their citizenship or give up the Canadian citizenship,alot of these fools don't understand there two sides of the story is Hezbollah that evil or a terrorist i guess people don't know one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. I don't like what Israel is doing to Palestine,but can you really blame resistance from Hezbollah,i mean lets be real after all these years people think that Israel wont have anyone retaliating against them.... please its human nature. Israel has been on a rampage for a long time,Westerners shouldn't get bent out shape if the Lebanese vote Hezbollah.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Jolie more powerful than Oprah?
Jolie may be famous with Brad Pitt and adopting babies like Madonna,but she doesn't have the influence and power that Oprah has she has more money more companies,she can promote any author publisher movie also can touch peoples lives in a positive way with her positive messages.Jolie is just a movie superstar with a ridiculous amount of publicity hasn't put out a movie in a while,people are just fascinated with the Jolie and Pitts relationship and adoption. You gotta be kidding me.
Do Saudi textbooks teach hate?
I wonder what other country teaches hate in school? We have along way to go,there is still tension in other races in north America as well but i guess its more civilized,but as far as Canada im worried about Alberta.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Life for pregnant Briton in Laos trial
Im glad to hear that she has a chance to go to her home country,there is always two sides to the story. Im surprised execution was an option for the Lao govt,and the pregnancy situation is not clear,but the jails are in poor condition,no even in condition for the common criminal,but the lifestily and culture over there is much different.This whole situation doesnt sound right,there is some information left out.I hope she makes it out of Laos.
City To Start Inspecting, Fining Those With Overgrown Lawns
How stuck up is this law,and shows how stuck up home owners are,if you leave your garbage bins out later than them or earlier and other stupid rules,this culture of home owners are rediculous and stupid,now fines for lawns? when was this a crime? This culture makes no sence to me.
How stuck up is this law,and shows how stuck up home owners are,if you leave your garbage bins out later than them or earlier and other stupid rules,this culture of home owners are rediculous and stupid,now fines for lawns? when was this a crime? This culture makes no sence to me.
Canadians rush to save GM
Its sad that those of us who want to part in to buying GM have no choice with our tax dollars,GM never cared about their customers or workers but now we are forced to save this company against our will,i reject this whole thing. I found an audio interview with Micheal Moore and he has no sympathy for GM i cant paste it to this blog but here is a link to the audio: its small but his face is there. and here is his blog,on the Gm matter.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Marijuana grow ops
They say their not sure if the hard times are to blame or the main reason for these grow ops,but i say it is.If it was me i would stick to the plant pot,but this is done on a much higher scale,its unhealthy,unsanitary,and a fire hazard,they must be in a rush to make fast money in a rush.Look out the cops are getting real familiar,and asking the viewers to look for the clues stated in the video, so if you are running a grow op you should quit while your ahead,cause there will be alot more snitches this year.
Magna wants to build electric car in Canada
Its about time to make the electric car,and this time i hope its here to stay,hard times will make gas engines for cars obsolete,but it may be more enspensive at first than the regular gas engines we drive now. this is good news that we needed to hear..finally
Obama aims to repair U.S. image in Muslim world
Unless U.S cuts of funding to Israel that's the only way i believe the Israeli govt will listen,not just reaffirming their support for Israel,that is the core issue of the middle east,i doubt he will go to such lengths,he will have to do more than just making policies and sweet talk.
Alberta passes law allowing parents to pull kids out of class
A written notice required when sex, sexual orientation, religion are covered,its sad that residents of Alberta feel its necessary to pull their child out of class when any of these subjects are being taught,this just shoes how narrow minded Alberta residents are,i think it would be educational to learn other cultures and religion,to better understand to our fellow man,but im not surprised,this is the same province that has a culture of white supremacy on the rise.How can this be a thread to the child,why take them out of class why remain ignorant towards these subjects when they are taken up,all they are doing is alienating themselves from the rest of the country which is soon or not already dominated by a mix of other cultures and religions,sex well,the kids can learn in school or by their parents or out on their own.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Aportion doctor shot to death
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Who says religion kills or drives people to act this way i guess people who feel this strongly about adoration or about any issue are extremists.Makes me sick.
Fox criticising Obamas date night

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Is this the best these guys can do to bash obama,you think the people are upset that he came to town,people are exited,national security? is that it,he and his wife are millionaire using taxpayer money please their are just mad that a president has a intimate relationship with his wife and not afraid to show the world,its not an issue,talk about real issues,critisising his taste in books,is this news? I wanted to embed the fox news video,but there wasnt an option,there is a link see for yourself.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Israel sucks ass
I wonder if the USA will have the balls to stop sending funds to Israel,i think they have received enough,or shouldn't received any funds at all.Israel will not listen to Obama,but i cant wait to see how they or any country stop settlements,i cant wait to see how things play out.
Inside Iraq: Living with the enemy
Allot of country's with war torn civil wars is the same religious or cultural wars,im reminded of Rwanda,Sri Lanka,Congo,Israel,Palestine and theres more,but its a shame that we act so primitive like we are in the animal kingdom,the reasoning for hatred is really stupid,and its sad for me to even watch this,this violence is all to common.When will we really over come our differences,and religion? is it worth killing for,struggle power really does corrupt.
Gay Soldier Appeals to obama
This shows how stupid these policy makers are who cares if they are gay,these officials are so out dated,these guys are qualified and it doesn't matter what they do behind closed doors,they don't hurt anyone,the army will benefit from having them on the force,the army can use all the soldiers they can get,this shows you how stupid these policy makers are,like most people.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Parents put blame on daughter for racist remarks, custody hearing told
I blogged about this on my last post but i got a video that can put this in better perspective.
I guess its more than condemning passing down racist ethnic cleansing hatred,im shocked that people are talking about the parents should the right to raise the child any way they want to.That is not the argument,its teaching a girl and many others that its okay to kill non-whites,nothing to do with the rights of raising the child,other arguments is that the only thing important in this situation is making sure the child has food and proper care and shelter,but this whole white supremacy thing is extreme and i can understand the child's custody is with relatives. Other arguments is making excuses for the racist parents,like other ethnicity's preach the same hatred to their children,as a man with a Caribbean background i find that ridiculous every racial/ethnic groups have there resentments and reserves about another group but not to the extent of killing the other groups,i believe we are all one blood. People who make excuses for these parents are ignorant fools,i hope this extreme bullshit stays in Calgary or Winnipeg.
I guess its more than condemning passing down racist ethnic cleansing hatred,im shocked that people are talking about the parents should the right to raise the child any way they want to.That is not the argument,its teaching a girl and many others that its okay to kill non-whites,nothing to do with the rights of raising the child,other arguments is that the only thing important in this situation is making sure the child has food and proper care and shelter,but this whole white supremacy thing is extreme and i can understand the child's custody is with relatives. Other arguments is making excuses for the racist parents,like other ethnicity's preach the same hatred to their children,as a man with a Caribbean background i find that ridiculous every racial/ethnic groups have there resentments and reserves about another group but not to the extent of killing the other groups,i believe we are all one blood. People who make excuses for these parents are ignorant fools,i hope this extreme bullshit stays in Calgary or Winnipeg.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Racist child's violent lessons
Another hate group on the rise,i understand passing down your believes,but they are hate beliefs and that is counter progressive and counter productive society,this is Calgary im assuming it is a white dominated province,cause this stuff happens only behind closed doors in many areas in Canada.I was really hoping these racist uprising rallies died off with the KKK.AS long as is it stays in Calgary then im fine.Its sad in 2009 this shit still exist,like ethnic cleansing is going to solve their problems,i bet none of them ever met another person from another ethnicity ever.All these people filled with ignorance bigotry and hatred should be wiped of the planet.
Another hate group on the rise,i understand passing down your believes,but they are hate beliefs and that is counter progressive and counter productive society,this is Calgary im assuming it is a white dominated province,cause this stuff happens only behind closed doors in many areas in Canada.I was really hoping these racist uprising rallies died off with the KKK.AS long as is it stays in Calgary then im fine.Its sad in 2009 this shit still exist,like ethnic cleansing is going to solve their problems,i bet none of them ever met another person from another ethnicity ever.All these people filled with ignorance bigotry and hatred should be wiped of the planet.
Sonia Sotomayor

From Bronx to Ivy League to high court? You can see the unease towards Obama decision to nominate Sonia,but im sure CNN is not the only ones with their reserves towards Obama decision.Not everyone knows about these people being nominated,that doesn't mean that their not qualified,i would expect this from fox and other republican favored programs.Its refreshing to see a variety of people from all walks of life being nominated for supreme court.
Fredy Villanueva [I hate police]
Its fine if the judge wants to hold of the proceedings until they get a lawyer,i hope the lawyer isn't a retarded degenerate like the one Ontario legal aid gave me.What is retarded,is the victims part backing out,when they really are needed to give Freddy's death justice,and hopefully he didn't die in i said before its not justified if you shoot to death a unarmed young man,the punk police couldn't put up a fight, remember he was "shot to death", meaning there was more than one shot,they didn't fight Freddy they just shot him,that wasn't justified.The police need to bulk up and learn how to fight.and for those idiot people who are worried about tax dollars when any cop kills an unarmed person an inquest should be called. How was prank calling the police? where did that come from,i thought they came cause Freddy's older brother was rolling dice,which was a bylaw.Freddy's brother is not a criminal rolling dice doesn't make you a criminal,gambling is gambling,in that sense we all are criminals.The police officer was OVER-AGGRESSIVE PERIOD and person with a logical brain can see that. I'm tired of the ignorant minority bullshit,bigots should stay in their cave.I feel bad for this family,what the hell is going on.AINT THIS A BITCH.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Discriminating Employers
This is more than just discrimination against other ethnicity's like Chinese, Indian or Pakistani but discrimination towards minorities on a whole.If its not the name its the appearance your sound,accent,gender and race. My name has no real ethnic sound to it,so when i go to an interview my only set back is the color of my skin,i was born in Canada so i don't have many set backs,but i have seen my fare share of discrimination. City Pulse news did a segment on people looking for apartments,and the landlords are "screening" the people inquiring about the apartments by the way they sound and name,and when the meet face to face they judge by the appearance and some may profile,not every one,but in my opinion the older elders are the more prejudice.Another was about profiling,how store clerks were following young black men around the store and a white female stole clothes or food effortlessly. This whole resume discrimination this is nothing new or surprising. Alot of people should report their issues because discrimination comes in many formes,even age, older women around 60 having trouble findng work eventhough they shood be retireing.
I Hate The Police
I am tired of the punk police killing unarmed people,if the police tried to rush my brother for shooting dice, [what a punk municipal bylaw]i would jump in to,even if the police got a beat down,at least he would see another day. Only certain gambling is legal how bias. if this was a gun fight then i would understand. If i killed a police officer for harassing me would i be charged? or did i acted with justified force.That badge is a licence to kill.
Torture prompts soul-searching among some Christians
This issue has nothing to do with what religion you are weather its abortion with catholics or Jewish Israeli's right to take land from Palestinians,or this issue with torture. Its all about whats necessary,now I'm sure if many of us were tortured we will pretty much say anything for the torturer to stop.If there the hardcore enemies then they will tell you straight.It seem like the conscious people in religion are against torture, agree with abortion,against settling in Palestinian land.As far as view and beliefs guess religion and politics goes hand in hand.
Black mayor of Mississippi town brings 'atomic bomb of change'
I had to blog this,and i believe the hardcore racists are slowly being extinct in certain areas in the U.S. Its good to see James Young reach the mayor status even though he is not the first black mayor in Mississippi don't count out racism in the city,i hope people aren't that naive. I wish him well im sure he will do fine.Im sure he will win over more non voters with his policies and upgrades.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
M.I.A being interviewed on Bill Maher show
She doesn't look or sound like a terrorist,i wonder how long will it take for people will realize that Tamils are not terrorists,maybe as long as the Palestinians. So i guess fighting oppression in the dictionary means terrorism. Its sad that we live in a world full of dumbasses.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
FBI defends marijuana laws
The FBI defends it because there's profits from the prison system,it was never a correctional system but more of a business,going to jail for life cause people got caught 3 times for smoking weed,is ridiculous,like the man in the video said they have to prioritise the drugs being used,likely meaning cracking down on the harder drugs,and there's no record of people dying of weed.
House passes measure expanding gun rights
Senator Coburn, speaking on the Senate floor stated :"isn't a 'gotcha' amendment" but a genuine step to protect the Second Amendment." i that amendment was never in danger,how is allowing concealed, loaded firearms to be carried in national parks and wildlife refuges a genuine step to protect the 2ND amendment. Me personally i cont care were gun owners carry their loaded weapons cause its not the guns its not the amendment its the people,people can complain about how guns kill people well they don't its people killing people. I also never understood bringing any weapons to parks and other recreational places.
Principal separates races
Probably the principal had a good intention,but it looks like a bad idea,stats or not the unfair calling out of certain groups.To much racial divide and profiling.
5 Alabama police officers fired over beating
Its funny they will fired the cops that beat the driver that was thrown and flipped out of the van and the drivers body wasn't moving. What about the cops that kill and rob? Like the corrupts cops in Texas,the NYPD that shot Sean Bail 50 times and Oscar Grant who was killed by transit officers,i grow tired of the selective justice system they have going on in the U.S.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Obama's Speech Sparks Notre Dame Protests
what happens when there is a miscarriage? Will they oppose then,other than rape victims,people have to be responsible for their actions,cant trust the condoms,and even if you don't agree with obama,you don't have to listen to him.Trying to muzzle the president? These hyper religious people should buy a clue and take a chill pill.
what happens when there is a miscarriage? Will they oppose then,other than rape victims,people have to be responsible for their actions,cant trust the condoms,and even if you don't agree with obama,you don't have to listen to him.Trying to muzzle the president? These hyper religious people should buy a clue and take a chill pill.
Races Divided in Schools
I think this speaks volumes about the local demographics in different regions.If some of these different areas have mixed races in their neighborhoods then it is an issue,if not then certain regions are just dominated buy a certain races.
I think this speaks volumes about the local demographics in different regions.If some of these different areas have mixed races in their neighborhoods then it is an issue,if not then certain regions are just dominated buy a certain races.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Sri Lankan military declares victory over rebels
I see a parallel between this Tamil situation and other genocide..well im not sure about the genocidal hatred,but i do see alot of familiarities between Sri Lanka Ans the Palestinian/Israel genocide. There is a saying one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter and there is so much truth to that. Its sad that the Innocent people are stuck in a war or become refugees,and the disgust and resentment toward Tamils are misunderstood,kinda like when people don't understand why the Palestinians would retaliate towards Israel,i don't know all the gritty details but i wish people would really research and find out whats really going on,from "separatists" to "terrorists",what are they going to say next? is this a Holy war a war between religion? I know oppression has been apart of this whole situation,and that being said I'm not surprised the Tamils are revolting against the govt.
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