Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Truth in Jamaica

The media doesnt tell you that this "alleged" kingpin wasnt charged,the sad thing is that this is an excuse for the police to "clear house" in the Jamaican Ghettos almost like an ethnic clensing,but killing innocent people cant kill poverty,violence is a prouct of poverty.Jamaica is one if not the most dangerous and violent countries in the world.These disgruntles cople see this and a excute to execute the youths in these ghettos,its funny how the corrupt from the top is trying to clean the corrupt streets,its hard to kill a monster after you created it.I hear really offensive and insensitive things that people comment,but they dont know the whole story,and the american media always never paints a clear picture,the world calls this man a criminal the communities in the ghettos call him a hero,he builds schools hospitals feeds and sends kids to school,because when your in the ghetto in jamaica you cant afford to live the way a human being should live,kids cant go to school,they are hungry cant afford healthcare,also there is no welfare system,thats why its so bad,but its starts with the corrupt govt.Many posters on these news sites sound priveliged,i can tell they never had to struggle like the poor in jamaica,when you have no resourses you have to do wrong in order to do right,it seems like no one can truly profit from pain unless your the government.I bet the situation wouldnt be nothing like this if Coke was white.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Drill Baby Drill - Oops!

North America dependent on oil for to long,upgrade already,but face it oil companies and relating industries rely on it so i cant hate, but what about this new green energy i hear the talk i even see some turbines but solar power was around for along time why not use it already,even battery operated cars,all that aside it really pissess me of to hear that idiots day in the media that this is obamas katrina,please dont compare my people to wildlife. Thats quite a far reach for rebublicans but thats expected from racist bigots.

No Airtime for Mosque Bombing in Florida

Do you see the discrimination here,the failed bomb attempt in Times Square New York sees endless airtime in the main stream media, but the Mosque bombing doesnt? Wow american Media truely care less about americans that are not white and in this case are Middle eastern.Try to blow up Times Square alert the country,but actually a pipe bomb explosion in a Mosque its not news? America is pure Bullshit.