I'm shocked to come across this video,a family member told me about this real talk documentary,its really a community or college radio,i guess the are on a local public access/community channel in their region.this video was taken in Israel and alot of American Israeli people look drunk,even though i believe people who speak drunken works have sober thoughts.They are bashing Obama for illogical reasons,typical ignorant American,one hates him because Obama wants to take away his gun rights.He was right, he doesn't follow politics and that's why he doesn't know Obama wont and doesn't intent to take away peoples guns.Besides that he still hates him.Even though in some parts of the world Israelis aren't considered white,well this group does and think they are white supremacists,its funny how people forget,the Nazis were the white supremacists and didn't consider them "real" white people.Its funny how the girl in this video is a political science major, she must be failing miserably,the U.S doesn't have a problem with Israel they were Ali's for years,the U.S is giving billions monthly to Israel for goodness sake,Israel has one of the top sophisticated army's in the world and also a nuclear powerhouse.Like many Americans she thinks hes a Muslim and terrorist.She doesn't know that he is trying to mend the American image in the Muslim world because they think we are over privileged assholes like these assholes in this video.Funny how they hate blacks but some of these idiots are wanna be Jamaicans,playing their Jewish reggae. One was cursing him for not changing America like his campaign promise,I'm sure a bunch Americans on the homeland not just American Jews.For the record,Obama doesn't want the Muslim world to love him he wants to repair the American image cause these guys don't help,just reinforce the American ignorance.I hope Obama stops funding to Israel and stops settlements.U.S has showed Israel they care,now Israel is like U.S over privileged ignorant racist Zionists.